(A/N: Bear with me, this one is by no means a call for pretentious intelligence or a boast of my twisted aesthetic. It's really just something that means a lot to me. It is me. And I think that's honest and raw and beautiful. And something doesn't have to fall off of the back of Shakespeare to be beautiful. So I hope you feel something out of it too.)
This Is Home:
Quiet 'shush's from across the hall
In response to my mums snores
Dad calls them 'honk poo's'
And if that's strange,
That's my family to you.
My brother cracks beers down the hall
And the kitchen smells like barbecue and cake
Mum's a cook in a cafe
And dad works in a factory
These are the places I come from,
This is my origin story you see
My brother's a genius and a freak
My dog smells like dirt when he rolls in the sheets
My family is loud and abrasive, secrets we don't keep.
The paddocks glow orange after it rains
And in Spring rabbits run unchained.
There's a blue iron gate
And there's a dog buried in the yard
There's enough land to be land but not considered a farm.
On Summer nights we sit outside
Underneath back porch lights
Mum hangs up fairy strings you see
Glowing neons that remind her of me
Dad mans the stations of cooking, tongs in hand
Pools flood concrete
A half hours trip and you can find sand
A slice of heaven I call my own
A beach I used to have for a backyard
Now gumtrees grow.
I'm the one of the family who takes photos
Camera in hand
I watch them live beside me and I think
How could I ever be more glad.
For all that it's worth,
For all of the pain,
The tears and the fighting, the abuse and the pain,
We've come so far and it's made me strong,
Made me grown.
Where I come from is a people of its own.
Where I come from is home.
2. A Definitive (Poetry)
PoetryNot just poetry for humanity. Poetry for me too. An array of poetry displayed in raw light. "For what it's worth, even words can explain the complications in ones head if you find the time to discover the right sentences." ~J.K.M.