Always Playing With Fire:
Always tipping my fingers near the edge
Waiting to catch fire in my hands or burn
Because I was never the one to play with light
I was a quiet girl unsure of my own sight
Afraid of the mirrors reflection, a reflection I fight
Playing with fire now is how pain becomes gold
Intentions to win no longer unsure
Attention to attention, detail in being assured
Blocking out the memory of a girl from a time before
For a girl who just wants to feel like a somebody but even more than that
Paving the way for a girl who knows how to play the game, no defence
Just attack
I teetered on the edge for more, trying to prove myself I implore
The farthest reaches of my mask like features pulling at the seams before
The stitches come apart completely and sew myself back how I see fit
Always pushing above my weight to be the it
And not the what
An invisible quiet girl learnt how to feel too much
Ignored like a shadow, a woman learns to give just enough
Of her pieces to bat far above her weight
Because the only times she feels alive is when she's faced
With opportunities that would never dare reflect the freak before
To be the funny one, but more than that, to be the beautiful, the dream
A toxic fascination with being anything than me, whoever that might be
To play fire with the boys who break hearts unintentionally
Only feeling like enough when I have the attention of those who reflect the sun
Because maybe then I will finally feel like I'm enough in their afterglow of what I've done
A sickly sweet smile that burns my teeth
Pushed across my face at the sight of old memories ran in to on the street
I smile and nod, too busy to stop and talk
Like I'm too good for the memories of the girl who was
Popular, pretty, just enough to love,
But sometimes the game has to stop
And I stop trying to play with the fire to win
And the flames burn my fingers before I can begin
To pull my damn greedy hands out of the way
Insecurities and me creep back in and my heart forgets to play
To play the game and I fall in too deep
And that scares me because I'm really touching the flames again this time to seek
The validation, the feelings he once gave me
And I don't want you to remind me so much of him even if you're the same type of flame
Because a fool will make me if I lose this game again to another boy the same
Always tipping my fingers near the edge
To feel like I deserve to be here and I'm scared
Because who I am, who I was and this thing I can be
Are all fighting to eat the flames that threaten to devour me
Why does my heart always need to play these games?

2. A Definitive (Poetry)
PoetryNot just poetry for humanity. Poetry for me too. An array of poetry displayed in raw light. "For what it's worth, even words can explain the complications in ones head if you find the time to discover the right sentences." ~J.K.M.