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Arabella's POV

My name is Arabella. I'm 22 years old and I'm a nurse. Of sorts. I'm more of a caregiver because I need experience for the job I really want. I currently work at sunshine valley. Which makes no sense but hey, who am I to judge?

Sunshine valley is a home for veterans. We give care for those who can't care for themselves or for people who's families don't think they're fit to live alone.

"Hey Bella, we're getting a new guy. He's gonna be on my floor but I think you might be better with him" I hear one of my co-workers come up behind me as I put my stuff in my locker. "Hi Danny! Why me?" He begins to look a little sad. "Are you okay? What's wrong??" He looked into my eyes before looking back down and speaking "he's kinda rough on the....everywhere. He apparently doesn't talk much and he's got bad ptsd. We're gonna have to make some signs. He can't have certain things in his room and we can't get too close when he sleeps. I just think having a nice sunny face to see everyday might be better than my tattooed and pierced one."

I think it over and on some levels it does make sense. Danny and I are very different. Me being very bright and happy and never without a smile on my face while he looks like a war criminal. I nod my head and ask when he's going to be here. "Um he actually should've gotten here about 2 minutes ago. You wanna go meet him?" I nod my head and and follow him out of the room.
August's POV

I was being escorted to my room by two male nurses and by that I mean there was two male nurses standing 50 feet in front of me "subtly" telling everyone to get out of the way as we walked down the hall. I could feel a hard stare on my back so I quickly turned around only to just as quickly put my hands up in defense.
Bella's POV

Me and Danny quickly found the new guy and started following him and his escorts. Which anyone could have done but I guess they wanted to use big strong guys.

I couldn't help but stare intently at him. He was very tall. The all black outfit he had on only added to my curiosity. It wasn't a scary all black outfit. Not like I expected. A simple black hoodie, black joggers and black vans. From what I could tell it suited him very well.

Just as I was about to ask Danny his name he turned around. I shouldn't have been scared but the look on his face made me want to cry. I could feel the tears about to pass my eyes when he put his hands up. The sudden motion once again scaring the living daylights out of me.

This time the tears made it passed my eyes and onto my cheeks leaking into my shirt. Danny immediately put his arm in front of me in a protective way but when I saw the guys face I knew he didn't mean to scare me. I pushed Danny's arm off of me and walked up to the guy. I could hear Danny and the two nurses begging me to stop but I didn't.

I stopped in front of him and looked up. He looked right back down at me and gave me a confused look. It was weird because he looked confused but still managed to look mad. "Hi! I'm Arabella Quinn and I'm going to be helping with your care during your stay!" He just stared down at me for a couple seconds. Everyone around us held their breath. I could hear Danny walk up behind me. He slowly closed his eyes and let out a breath. He looked back down at me and sighed before sticking his hand out. "August." I gave him a big smile before opening my arms and going in for a hug.

I was quickly yanked back. I looked back at Danny but he just shook his head. Then I looked at August and I see him already looking at me. I also see him trying hard to hide a smirk. I simply stand up straight and smile once again before wiggling out of Danny's grip. I walk up to him and hold out my hand. This time he lets the smirk show before shaking my hand.

Very big hand. Very very big.
He's been in his room for about 15 minutes now. I'm running around gathering things for his room while Danny watches him. I get everything I need and walk back to his room. Not before tying up the top half of my hair and letting the rest flow straight down.

When I get there Danny stops me in front of the door. He leans down and begins to speak, "you've been gone for 20 minutes and he's just been sitting on the bed staring at me. He's scaring me. I can't do it anymore I gotta take a break." I nod my head in an understanding manner and tell him to go. I'll be fine Danny. He pats my head before turning down the hallway. I walk into his room and just as Danny said he's sitting on the bed, hands on his knees and staring at the door. I walk up to him and hand him everything I found. He stares at me before taking it. I start to ask if there's anything he needs when he begins to speak. I immediately close my mouth.

"Miss Quinn. I do not like hugs."

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