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This time when Clarissa woke up she was finally feeling like her normal, non-migraine disabled, self. She sat up and looked around the room with a smile, thankful to finally have the brain function to deal with whatever it was that was going on around her. Her newfound optimism was barely tarnished when her stomach let her know it had been some time since she had eaten, and her last meal really hadn't stuck around. It wasn't until she was reminded she need the restroom that her irritation returned.

She took a better look around the room and found there was nothing in it besides the small monitor next to the bed. There was only one door so that meant the restroom had to be out there somewhere. She stood to see what she could find but realized when her bare feet hit the cold floor that she was still dressed in her t-shirt and panties. Looking around again she wasn't sure if she felt better that a stranger hadn't changed her or worse that she was still so exposed and had no clue what was going on. She decided it didn't make a difference when her bladder gave another twinge.

She moved to the door to see if she could peek out and ask for help. When she found it locked she couldn't believe it. She was already so done with whatever the hell was going on. She reigned in her temper enough to only beat on the door and raise her voice a little to get someone's attention, instead of throwing the monitor at it and screaming like her instincts wanted her to. Her noise finally got results when a person in a maroon uniform and strange helmet stuck their head in. "Good, you're awake. What are you beating down the door about?"

She identified the person as most likely male, given the sound of the voice but only noting it as reference. She had much bigger issues. "Well, a few reasons really, the first of which is why the hell am I in a locked hospital room in the first place!?"

If her outburst had any effect on the man, it was hidden by his helmet. His voice was even when he responded as well. "We have been instructed to keep you here until one of the Firsts can come talk to you."

Clarissa was very close to seeing red by this point but knew throwing things wouldn't get her answers. "Whatever, I guess that means I can at least find out what in the world is going on. In the meantime, would it kill you to let me use the restroom at least? Or maybe, you know, eat? Or even get a change of clothes?"

As hard as she tried there was no holding back her deep sarcasm. Unfortunately, it seemed lost on the man facing her. "We were instructed that you cannot leave the room."

At this Clarissa threw her hands up and uttered a strangled growl before pinning him with a heated stare. "Fine, if I end up pissing myself I'll make sure they have you clean it up!" She normally wouldn't have talked like that to a stranger, but she was angry enough by now that all her filters were long gone. It didn't help that she tended to be a little crass when she was angry.

Her tirade was interrupted when a red gloved hand reached out for the helmeted man's shoulder. He looked back and then stiffened to attention, stepping out of the doorway. The hand was then followed by the red-head Clarissa had seen before. "Kunsel, what is going on here? I thought I told you this was a classified post that needed discretion? I could hear the screaming down the hall."

The man, Kunsel, was evidently intimidated somewhat as his answer quavered a little. "My apologies sir. The girl was just expressing her dislike of your orders." When she heard what he had to say she couldn't hold in a snort. It had made the understatement of the century, and the man obviously wasn't nearly as intimidated as she had thought if his answer was any indication.

She didn't wait for them to continue like she wasn't in the room. "If I may, I think my requests were pretty reasonable. First thing, I really need a restroom." If this guy was supposed to be a 'commanding officer' as everyone was treating him that way, then she might actually get somewhere with him.

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