Chapter 82

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The next morning Genesis led Clarissa back down, but instead of leaving he took her through several more hallways and into a cozy dining room. She could feel how tense he was as his parents both stood at his entrance. Clarissa's heart clenched at the hopeful look his mother gave him.

He didn't say anything though, instead he moved to pull out a chair and motioned for Clarissa to take a seat before taking the one across from her. It was his mother that broke the silence. "I'm glad you decided to stay. We can talk whenever you are ready."

Clarissa noted the tick of his jaw clenching momentarily, but his voice was even when he spoke. "We have an important mission near the outskirts of Banora that we must complete this morning. When we are done- I may stop by before we leave." He didn't say anything else. Instead he focused on the meal that had been set in front of him.

The rest of the meal was spent in silence. Clarissa could barely make herself eat through the knot in her stomach. It was only the fact that they didn't know what they would be facing that had her finishing the meal. Once she was done Genesis stood again. She realized he was ready to go so she stood as well. Even though he didn't say anything to his parents, she turned to them with a polite nod. "Thank you for your hospitality." His mother gave her a small smile and a nod before Clarissa turned to follow Genesis out.

Neither of them said anything all the way back to the village. It wasn't until they were right in front of Gillian's house that he managed to speak. "Allow me to see if Angeal is ready to go."

She gave him a nod and stayed a short distance away as he knocked on the rough wooden door. It was Angeal that answered. Clarissa could tell that his night had not been any easier than Genesis' had been. She wished there was a way to make this easier for them. More than knowing they were not wholly human, the fact that they felt betrayed by those closest to them had to be wearing on them.

Angeal's brow drew down as he looked around. When he finally saw her, he motioned her over. "Why don't you both come in for a moment. We can leave shortly."

He opened the door and let them both enter. Genesis did not look comfortable, and she realized that he and Angeal had been close enough growing up that he probably looked at Gillian like a second mother. The fact that she had betrayed them as well had to have hurt. Clarissa still managed to give the woman a polite nod when Angeal introduced her.

Gillian's reaction was surprise. "You are the female Soldier that Angeal wrote me about!"

Clarissa gave her a smile as she stepped forward to shake the woman's hand. "Yes ma'am, that would be me." She paused, but decided she was going to ask her next question anyway. "Was there anything else he told you about me?"

She noted that both Gillian and Angeal cringed a little at her question. She shook her head at the sight. She knew it was painful for all of them but hiding it would only make it fester. "You don't have to answer. No matter what, I will say that I am happy to have had the chance to meet you."

All the other eyes turned to face her with surprise, including Angeal and Genesis. Gillian finally gave her a bitter look. "If you really did know everything I don't believe you would think that."

At that Clarissa gave them all a hard look. "I know this is painful for everyone involved, but you can't continue to sweep it under the rug. That's how we got here in the first place." She turned to Gillian and moved to take the woman's hand in her own. "I don't know if you've been told this already or not, but what you ended up doing took courage. You refused to stay and allow a madman to continue as if everything was alright. Yes, you made a mistake, but you made up for it. We have all made mistakes but that doesn't mean everything is over. We still have hope and that is enough to make a better future."

As her words were left to fade in the air, everyone stood and stared at her in open shock. It made the two men start when Gillian finally started laughing. It was quiet at first, but it grew in volume and went on for several moments. She finally squeezed Clarissa's hand back and gave her a smile. "Angeal also told me that you were incurably optimistic, more than anyone he had ever met."

Clarissa gave the man in question a small smile before she answered. "Well, I believe I have plenty of reasons to be, but honestly, I have always refused to let other people's actions dictate my reactions. My future is in my own hands and I choose to have a better one."

At those words Genesis stepped to her side with a smile. He kissed her cheek before responding. "Starlight, it is our future, and I agree, it is up to us to make it better." He gave her hand a squeeze before turning to Gillian and Angeal. "We have an important first step to make that future. Are you ready to grasp it?"

Angeal shook his head at the two of them with a smile. "I'm surrounded by the overdramatic, but I suppose I might as well. There doesn't seem to be much point in living in the past." With that he turned and gave his mother a kiss on her cheek. They saw that he whispered something to her, but it was low enough they couldn't hear. When he stepped back to join them she gave them all a bright smile, even though it was easy to see there were tears in her eyes. Clarissa's last thoughts as they waved and walked out was that she hoped they were tears of healing and no longer remorse.

The small group of Soldiers were quiet as they made their way to the apple juice factory, but the silence wasn't as tense as it had been before. Genesis made a point of not releasing Clarissa's hand once they had left the Hewley house. Angeal only shook his head with a smile at the sight. No matter what else had happened over the last year, he was glad that his best friend had finally found someone that would not be overshadowed by his larger than life personality. The fact that she had no problem standing up to him, but still managed to be understanding when he lost his temper because of his pain, was something Angeal had previously believed would never happen. He sent up his own prayer to Minerva that they be allowed to keep their happiness together.

There were still people around and many of them gave the trio strange looks, but they were ignored. It wasn't long until they found the entrance near the factory to the tunnels Angeal and Genesis had played in as children. Clarissa knew she didn't remember the exact layout of the caves, but she did recognize the small area off to the side that was once used by Genesis. When she caught sight of a desk she pulled on his hand with a smile. When he realized what she was looking at he frowned slightly. 'We don't have time to stop."

She grinned at him before she headed to the desk. "I won't take long."

She could hear his soft growl of frustration behind her, but she ignored it. She even ignored Angeal's quiet laughter that didn't help Genesis' temper. Her gaze softened as she looked at the random pictures and the award. She wished she had the time to go through it all at length, but he had been right, they didn't have the time to spare. She still gave him a soft smile when he walked up to her. She leaned up and kissed his cheek before speaking quietly. "Someday, when we have our whole future ahead of us and the time to spare, I would like it very much if you would share these old dreams with me."

His scowl faded into a soft smile of his own at her words. "Starlight, we will make sure we have time for that and so much more. Let's go."

She gave him a nod and allowed him to lead her further into the cave system. When they finally made it to the blocked door, she was surprised to see that they didn't have to go through gathering the materia. Genesis simply walked up to the door and it opened for him. He noticed her shocked expression and smirked. "I've already been in here before. It will recognize me every time." She shook her head at him. Even with the small things he liked to show off.

She quickly followed the other two into the room. All three of them approached the large statue and the materia held up behind it with reverence. They stopped in front of it and both men looked to Clarissa. Genesis was the first to speak. "We are here, what do you suggest we do now?"

Clarissa looked back to him nervously. She knew the only reason he had not started to despair about his degradation was the fact that he truly believed he would be healed by Minerva. She didn't have the slightest clue how to make this work now that she had no guidance at all, but she didn't want to tell him that. Instead of answering him she walked up until she was close enough to touch the statue. She looked up before she closed her eyes and sent up a fervent prayer, 'please let this work. We all need you.'

edit 11/21/2019

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