Chapter 42

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Over the next three days Clarissa spent most of her time in bed. She didn't even have the capability to realize she was in Genesis' bed until the second day. When she did, she tried to convince him to let her go to her own, but he wouldn't even entertain the idea. When he had responsibilities to get back to on the third day, she tried to get up and take care of things on her own. She found out the hard way that he had arranged to have someone come once an hour to make sure she would not. When it was him that came around noon and caught her up anyway, she had to listen to a lecture about how rest was the only thing that would help and about how she was disobeying a direct command from a superior officer. She wasn't fully recovered, but she felt well enough that it took willpower not to roll her eyes at his overbearing stance. It was only the fact that she was just starting to feel well enough to eat again that kept her from arguing back.

On the fourth day, she was up before Genesis. She looked at the clock and found it was earlier than she would normally get up, but not by much. She was feeling normal again finally, so she quietly crept out of the bedroom. She found Genesis asleep on his own couch. It was such an unusual sight she stopped and stared for several minutes. When he turned his head and opened his eyes to look at her, she almost jumped out of her skin. He chuckled at her reaction as he sat up and ran a hand down his face. "I didn't mean to startle you. You learn to be a light sleeper after being a Soldier for a while."

"Ah... sorry. I wasn't trying to be a creep. It was just weird seeing you on the couch. I mean logically I knew that had to be where you were sleeping but..." She trailed off when she realized she was babbling. She turned to the kitchen to hide her red face. "I'll make some coffee."

She cringed as she heard his laughter disappear into one of the other rooms. By the time he came back, she was calmed and had the coffee finished. She was seated with a cup in her hands when he came in. He silently moved to get a cup of his own. No more words were said until they both managed to finish their first cup. When Genesis moved to get his second, he finally broke the silence. "Since you are up so early, I can assume you are finally feeling better?"

She smiled at him before answering. "Yes. I'm feeling much better. Thank you for making sure I was taken care of. Is it like that during boosters all the time?"

He made an obviously disgusted face before answering. "Yes. For some it is worse, and others are only down for a couple of days, but three days is the average. It is not unusual to feel like your whole body is breaking at first."

She shuddered at his explanation. "I suppose I should be grateful it was only my head that felt like it was splitting open."

His lips turned up slightly at her remark. He was glad to see her normal expressive personality was back in full force. He had to admit that he missed her sarcasm. When he thought about what else her being well meant, his smile vanished. He turned a serious gaze back to her before speaking. "Now that you are better, I have been instructed to take you back for a follow up exam. I have already let them know that you were not up to it yesterday. I cannot put it off longer though. I have also been instructed to bring you to Lazard afterwards."

Her face blanched at his words, but she quickly recovered. As much as she hated getting close to Hojo, she would be damned if she allowed him to continue to have that much control over her emotions. "Fine. I won't say I'm happy to hear it, but it was expected." She went to take another sip of her coffee before the rest of what he said hit her. "Wait, Lazard? Why does the director want to see me?"

It was apparent that Genesis was trying not to smile. "From what I understand, a complaint about your conduct was filed and the Director would like to speak to you about it."

She instantly knew what he was talking about. "Fine. I understand." She would be damned if she apologized though. Hojo deserved everything she said and then some. At least she hadn't tried to harm him. After that, the conversation turned to the plans for her training going forward. Once they both finished their second cup of coffee they moved to get ready to leave. Genesis allowed her to change first.

When they arrived at the Science Department, they were greeted by the scowling assistant. She once again didn't bother arguing with Genesis' presence. By now they probably understood it was a given. When she led them back to the same exam room they had previously used, she moved right into the exam. It wasn't until they were halfway through that Clarissa realized Hojo wasn't going to make an appearance. At that thought, she couldn't hold back her smile. She was still smiling when she followed Genesis back out of the department. She knew the mad scientist would probably give the excuse of being too busy, but she still felt like it had more to do with her shaking him up. She found that thought incredibly funny... and satisfying.

After that, Genesis took her directly up to the 51st floor. After not having seen Hojo during her exam, Clarissa was still smiling when they entered the director's office. That did not keep her from saluting when they reached his desk. Lazard looked from her to Genesis before speaking. "Soldier Williamson, I'll get right to the point. I received notice from the Science Department that you threatened the life of one of the examiners. Can you please explain your actions?"

At having her theory confirmed, she could barely hold in the smile. It was only the fact that it probably looked bad that she was grinning at the accusation that kept her from laughing out loud. "I don't want to overstep my bounds sir, but that isn't exactly correct. I never said I planned on taking the life of anyone."

He sat up straighter before responding. "Are you stating that it is an unfounded accusation then?"

She shook her head until she felt she could keep her voice straight. "No sir. I would classify it as more of a misunderstanding. I never said I was going to kill anyone, but I did say that someday, someone would. I simply never claimed to be the one that would carry out the act."

At her statement, Lazard glared at Genesis. The fiery Commander shook his head at the unspoken question. "Don't look at me. She was like this from the beginning."

Lazard sat back with a sigh before turning back to Clarissa. "Be that as it may, Soldier Williamson, we cannot create the image that Soldiers are uncontrolled heathens. Since you are just beginning, I will recommend that you not be allowed any away missions until we are satisfied that you can better exemplify the Soldier values."

Clarissa had to bite her tongue to keep from saying what she really wanted to. It wasn't as if they planned on letting her out of the building any time soon anyway. "Yes sir. I understand. I will do my best to better show that I can be an exemplary Soldier." She saluted him again at the end of her statement.

He shook his head before turning to Genesis. "As her commanding officer I expect you to lead by example. Please keep me up to date on her progress."

Genesis smirked at him, not bothering to salute. "Yes sir."

Lazard shook his head again before dismissing them both. He already almost regretted allowing the woman into Soldier. Genesis was enough by himself. Adding her snark to his theatrics was a bad combination. It was only the fact that she truly showed promise that kept him from phoning Hojo right away and telling him he could forget it.

edit 11/17/2019

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