Chapter 18

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Clarissa didn't struggle at all and once he laid her down on the bed she was almost instantly asleep. He worried slightly that she might have pushed too far, but when he felt her pulse it was strong and steady. Once he was reassured that she would be fine he closed the door and pulled out his phone. He needed to speak to Lazard quickly but didn't want to leave her alone in case she woke up. The first number he dialed was Angeal's but there was no answer. He was so frustrated by now that he wanted to throw the phone but held back and took a few deep breaths. There was one other person he could call but the thought of it irked him. Especially as that person was likely to be reluctant to head over without a good reason and Genesis was not going to disclose this over an open line. He knew he should trust the company he gave so much for, but the truth was he didn't.

With a sigh he finally dialed the number he had been avoiding. A grimace crossed his face when it was picked up on the second ring and a deep baritone rang across the line. "Genesis?"

Genesis took another calming breath before answering. "Something has happened, and I need you at my apartment right away. It involves our guest." He could hear Sephiroth pause on the other end of the line.

"Why do I need to come to your apartment?"

Genesis knew this could get complicated but didn't want to get into it over the phone. "I will explain everything once you are here, but it is important."

"You're not going to explain it until I get there are you?"

"No, I... It would be best if you were here."

"Fine, I'll be there shortly."

Genesis breathed a slight sigh of relief when the phone clicked off. He was sure this whole thing might seem strange to anyone else, but he now knew enough to act on at least. His thoughts were interrupted by a knock. When he opened the door, he was relieved to see Sephiroth had not taken long. "Good, you're here."

Once the door was closed Sephiroth immediately turned to face Genesis. "So, what is this about?"

Now that Sephiroth was here, he wasn't sure how he was supposed to explain the situation. No one else had the affinity with materia that he had and as far as he had ever been able to discern, no one else could hear the voices that came from the planet with an active orb. "This might be hard for you to understand but first let me explain something. I know you are aware that I have a certain affinity with materia." He paused long enough for Sephiroth to nod. "That comes in part to my own affinity with magic in general, but the point I need to make is that when I use any materia, mastered or new, I can... well I can hear the materia. You could say it speaks to me."

Sephiroth's brow was slightly furrowed. "Why have you never mentioned this before?"

"It has no bearing on my performance, other than to make it better, so it was irrelevant." Genesis could tell Sephiroth was irritated, even if only by the deepening of the furrow between his eyes.

"Then why are you telling me now?"

This was going to be the hard part. "Because I now know I am not the only one. I was evaluating our guest at the behest of the science department. When she held the materia for the first time, it was the first and only time I have seen a reaction like that beyond my own."

Sephiroth couldn't contain his surprise at that information. "She is sensitive to materia? Did she have any other skills?"

Genesis could see his friend's mind working frantically trying to figure out what that meant; if it was a danger to the company. He knew he had to step in quickly. "She has no real combat skills if that is what you are asking. That was the first time she had touched materia as well. And before you ask, no I am not just basing that evaluation on what she said. There is more, and I know you may not believe me, but trust me please."

Sephiroth thought Genesis was sometimes over dramatic, and often too temperamental, but he never once thought of him as a liar. "I will try to listen with an open mind. I... trust you."

That statement caught Genesis off guard. He never expected the General to openly admit something like that and he was more heartened by it than he expected. "Thank you." He paused before continuing. "When she touched the materia it instantly activated. It was a cure, so no damage was done besides completely exhausting her magic reserves. I had to take control of the materia to shut down the spell and while we both had control... I felt... well I suppose it could be considered her emotions. It wasn't exactly orderly, and it was brief, but two things came across very clearly. She is scared, and she is hiding a deep sorrow. The impression was that she was scared of her circumstances, not of us in particular. There was also a distinct feeling of 'other' about her. There is much more to her than we have even begun to understand, but I can say without a doubt that she means no harm."

Sephiroth didn't answer for some time as he tried to assimilate the news he had just gotten. He was certain that Genesis wasn't lying but the story was hard to believe. Finally, he decided to accept it for now. It didn't change anything as far as he was concerned. If she didn't mean any harm then that was a plus, but he wasn't going to trust her to roam free. By Genesis' own admission there was more to be learned. "For now, I will believe you. That doesn't change anything though. There are still too many unanswered questions."

Genesis nodded in relief. That was the best possible answer he could have expected. "Understood."

"So why did you ask me to come here? Why didn't you just come to my office?"

"I need to speak to Lazard. Hojo examined her this morning and I want to keep her as far from him as possible until we figure out more. I will get my report over, but Lazard needs to be aware of what's going on and I didn't want to leave her alone."

Sephiroth wasn't sure if he could accurately convey what he had just been told. "I can talk with Lazard, but I am uncertain if he would believe the circumstances, especially from me. I barely believe them myself."

Genesis didn't have to think twice about his response. "Then stay here. Let me go talk to him. I will make it as brief as possible, but it needs to be done now."

The glare Sephiroth shot him would have made most men quail but Genesis only smiled. "There is no hate, only joy, for you are beloved by the Goddess."

Sephiroth's glare wavered but didn't disappear. "If you aren't back in thirty minutes I'm leaving. Oh, and you will be helping me with the paperwork to catch up for this time lost." Genesis lost his smile at that but didn't pause before walking out the door.

edit 11/13/2019

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