Chapter 30

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Genesis still had a smile on his face when he reached his office. He had been glad to see a spark of fire back in her eyes when he left her. He knew he should have probably reprimanded her for her blatant disrespect but couldn't bring himself to care overmuch at the moment. He could go back into beastly instructor mode when she was released.

He briefly wondered if he had been easier on her than he should have been because he wanted her to be telling the truth. It didn't escape his attention that he liked her either. That wasn't something that could be said for many, but even though she knew how to irk him, she was also intelligent and driven. That was the reason he didn't like most people, they lacked one or the other of those traits, most often the first. Finally, he pushed the worry away. If he was going easier on her because he liked her company, then it was because she was worth his time and that was enough to justify his actions. If he realized how circular that thinking might be, he didn't care.


Doctor Stein, or one of her associates had been in to check on Clarissa several times throughout the day, even sending a meal at what Clarissa assumed was lunch time. She had tried to keep a straight face while any of the doctors were in the room, but she couldn't bring herself to eat much. Most of it was still on the tray when they came back to take it. Most of the day was spent with her curled up under the covers. She noticed the looks they gave her but avoided looking anyone in the eye. It was easier to avoid conversation that way. She was in no mood to talk about anything.

It was sometime in the evening that the door opened once again. She had finally quit crying at some point earlier in the day, but she wiped at her face anyway before she sat up. She didn't want anyone to ask questions. She had expected one of the doctors again, so she was shocked at the sight of Genesis and Angeal. She was at a loss for words and her unbalance wasn't improved by the looks on both their faces. It wasn't until she realized they were probably thrown by the fact that she looked like shit. She could only imagine how red and puffy her face was.

Since neither had said anything yet she moved quickly to stand and gave them both a salute. Her voice was a little scratchy when she spoke, but she didn't let it waver. "Commander Rhapsodos, Commander Hewley. Is there something I can do for both of you?"

Her words seemed to break the pall on the room. It was Angeal that spoke first. "At ease. I heard Genesis was on the way here to see if you were cleared to leave so he could show you to your dorm, so I accompanied him. Zack wouldn't leave me alone until I found out how you were. As soon as he found out you were in the infirmary it was nearly impossible to keep him away."

The smile that accompanied his words had Clarissa smiling back. "Well, there is no need to worry. If you would please, let him know I appreciate his concern though. For now, if the doctor has cleared me then I'm ready to go." She turned back to Genesis at that point. "Commander Hewley said I have a dorm now?"

Her question served to shake him from his thoughts. "Yes, you were assigned a dorm with the rest of the cadets. I believe you will have a roommate as well, though I am unsure who it will be. Before I take you there, would you like to clean up? You are welcome to share the showers with the rest of the cadets, of course, but if you would prefer something a little more private, I would be willing to allow you to use the shower in my apartment."

Clarissa had to smother a curse at that. She knew being the only female in Soldier was going to cause issues, but she hadn't thought of everything that would mean. Apparently neither had they. She didn't like the idea of continuing to depend on Genesis, but she had no desire to shower in a place where dozens of boys also showered, and likely at the same time. "Thank you Commander Rhapsodos. I hope we can find an alternative solution soon, so I will no longer need to impose on you, but the offer is appreciated tonight."

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