Chapter 78

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It took them several hours to help put out the flames and organize the local contingent of infantry to start cleanup and repair. Once that was done they made their way to the helipad. Genesis was adamant that they get back immediately, as things had still been in flux when he left. Even with his urgency, Clarissa insisted that he allow her to clean and bandage his shoulder. He scowled at her and nearly turned away, but she grabbed him and refused to let go until he relented.

It didn't take her long, but while she had been working he saw the injury along her ribs that she had been hiding. He allowed her to finish before he grabbed her and sat her where he had just been. He didn't give her a chance to protest before he laid a hand along her ribs and cast his own curaga. She was relieved when the cool washed over her and the stinging finally faded. He scowled at her once he was done. "Why were you hiding your injury?"

She had hoped he wouldn't notice and wanted to deny it, but since he asked her directly she knew she had to answer. "You were already dealing with everything else. I figured I could find a potion later. It was superficial anyway."

He nearly growled at her in frustration. "You need to quit being so damned selfless. I find that I don't like dealing with that level of worry."

She knew she shouldn't laugh but she couldn't manage to hold it in. His reasoning was just so like him, although she had a feeling that wasn't his only reason. She reigned in her humor and smiled at his scowl. "I will not promise to not try to help when I can, but I will try to make sure to tell you when I plan on doing it, if I can."

When he pinched the bridge of his nose she knew that he was praying for patience. It was a habit that she saw often. She had to bite the inside of her cheek to keep from smiling at it. Now that they were finally able to not worry about the immediate surroundings as much, she realized how badly she had wanted to see him again.

When he let his hand drop he turned to her with another scowl. "Get in the helicopter. We don't have time to waste."

She gave him a mock salute that caused him to growl at her again. She had already moved to get in, so she nearly yelped when he crowded in behind her and whispered in her ear. "Do not think I have been distracted. We will continue our earlier conversation when we are back in Midgar and alone." Her face blazed red at his smirk. She was thankful no one else seemed to have heard him. She completely ignored the rest of the people that were already in the other seats, and she also ignored Genesis when he sat next to her, but that didn't last long. They hadn't been in the air a whole hour before she found herself relaxing against his side.


On the way back to Midgar, Genesis tried to catch everyone up on the things that had happened while they were gone. It had only been a day after they were gone that the assassination of President Shinra had been announced. That fact should have plunged the company into chaos since Rufus had already ostensibly left for his business trip, but surprisingly several people stepped up to control it.

While Scarlett and Heidegger both tried to make sure they were each in positions of power, the rest of the directors, with Tseng being Veld's stand in, completely eliminated both positions. The rest had all agreed that a functioning board would work best, including Rufus, as he was the main shareholder, whenever he finally got back. Reeve was promoted to CEO while Lazard took over all military matters, including weapons development and the infantry. Palmer had kept his head down, so he was allowed to keep his position, but they were actively looking for a person to take over urban development since Reeve would no longer have the time. They were also looking for a Director for the Science Department, but they were still holding out hope that Shalua would take the position.

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