Chapter 41

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Clarissa was awoken by a slight slap on each cheek. She opened her eyes to see a concerned Genesis leaning over her. As soon as her thoughts cleared she scrambled away from him. She noticed the bandage on her arm and couldn't stop the overwhelming feeling of betrayal. Her voice was clogged with tears when she finally spoke. "You don't know what you've done."

She turned her head at a noise nearby to see Hojo watching her curiously. She barely restrained herself from trying to rip his head off. Genesis had already moved to her side when he saw the look she was giving the scientist. She settled for telling him exactly what she thought. "One day someone is going to kill you, painfully and slowly, and once you're gone, no one will bother remembering anything you ever did. No one will care to try."

She watched as a strange look passed across his face before it turned to a glare. She could tell she had bothered him, even if his words were all business. "You will return in three days to check your progress." With that he walked out.

Silence filled the room and she refused to look at the man that she considered a friend. Logically she knew he didn't know what had just happened and probably would not have helped facilitate it if he had. Logic rarely had anything to do with emotions though and right now, she couldn't stop the tears at his actions. When he tried to put a comforting hand on her shoulder she jerked away. She didn't look at him as she walked toward the door. "Let's go."

The silence between them as they walked back was only broken by her sniffles that she couldn't seem to get under control. Her eyes were so filled with tears that she didn't register the fact that her vision was blurring until she stumbled and nearly fell. It was only a few steps more before her legs gave out and blackness claimed her.


Genesis had never felt a rage like the one he was repressing now. He had complied with Hojo since he knew the man would have made it happen one way or another with means that would have likely been much harsher. Seeing the look Clarissa gave him when she woke up, nearly made him want to break the man in two. When she pulled away from him, he could feel the fire rushing to his hands; pushing to burn down the entire Science Department.

He didn't try to touch her again or speak to her as she walked out. He was still fighting to regain control of his temper. If he let it go this entire floor was likely to be incinerated. He was drawn from his internal battle when she stumbled. When she fell he jumped to catch her before she hit the ground. When he lifted her limp form into his arms, it was only his need to get her somewhere that she could be tended to that kept him from turning on the spot.


Clarissa felt strange as she sat up in the near darkness. She recognized the wisps of green around her, but they were fuzzy. Even the sound of Minerva's voice sounded like it was coming through cotton when she heard the Goddess call out to her. It took her several moments to finally focus well enough to know she was facing Minerva.

The Goddess approached and looked as if she was going to reach out but paused. "Child, I regret that it has come to this. I had hoped you would not be subjected to it."

Clarissa was finally clear headed enough to answer. "I'm sorry. I couldn't stop it from happening. I tried, but Genesis... he..." She suddenly couldn't talk past her sobs.

Minerva tried to reassure her. "He already regrets his actions. He did not know what he was doing."

Clarissa could only nod at first. When she was able to speak, it was in a whisper. "I know that. I know he wouldn't hurt me on purpose. It's still painful. What am I going to do? Will I... will I end up like Genesis and Angeal now?"

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