Chapter 73

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Clarissa rolled her eyes again as she wondered if it was part of the Turk training to become a sarcastic ass. That didn't stop her from quietly moving towards the stairs. They managed to make it all the way to the bottom of the rickety staircase before they were finally accosted. She heard Reno cursing fluently behind her as the mutated, two-headed thing came groaning out of the shadows. A couple of bullets came flying by, but they didn't seem to faze the thing at all.

Clarissa quickly moved to block an attack aimed at Veld's head before she swung out with her other sword. Even though she scored a solid hit, the thing hardly seemed to notice. The only indication that it was injured was the fact that one of the heads drooped. She bit back a curse as well as she dodged another attack. She managed to score another solid hit that brought the thing down. They all watched in disgust as the thing started to dissolve as soon as it hit the ground. The smell nearly made Clarissa want to be sick, but she pushed passed it hurriedly.

She almost laughed as Reno started mumbling about maniac scientists and poor bastards. Instead she looked back to him and put her finger across her lips. He glared at her but stopped mumbling out loud.

Luckily, they only encountered one more of the nasty mutants and several bats before they neared the end of the long cave. Clarissa stopped outside the door closest to them and took a deep breath. She turned to Veld with a whisper. "He's in here." She knew the door was probably locked but she doubted that would prove to be a problem for the master lock pick.

She was right as it only took Reno a few moments to get it open. The door creaked loudly as he pushed it open. She did laugh a little as Reno jumped back quickly. She had to shove her fist in her mouth to stifle further laughter as he shone his light into the room full of coffins. She could tell that Reno was officially freaked out. She reminded herself that she would have to remember this the next time the red-head started teasing her.

She pushed those thoughts aside as she followed Veld into the small room. He looked around at all the coffins before looking back to her. "What is this?"

She was glad he kept his voice down, even if he seemed a bit bothered by the sight as well. Clarissa looked around for a moment before her gaze finally landed on the one that was chained and locked closed. When she pointed it out, Veld's gaze drew into a scowl. She whispered as she moved passed him to the coffin in question. "I don't know what's in all the others, but that one is Vincent."

She heard Reno cursing again as she pulled out her swords to try and crack the chains. She heated up her blades as she moved them under the chains and yanked up quickly. The sound of the chains breaking and then clattering down reverberated through the small room. The lid was heavier than she expected as well but she had no problem getting it pushed back quickly. At the sight of a man laying perfectly still in the coffin, Reno finally gave up on being quiet. "Uh-uh, I'm outta here. I didn't sign up for waking the dead, yo."

He turned to go, but before he made it out of the door, Vincent sat up and gave them all a glare. "Who disturbs my sleep?"

Reno froze next to the door. It took Veld a few moments to break out of his stupor as well. Clarissa could understand. She was expecting it but seeing Vincent in person with his pale skin against his red cloak; it was incredibly creepy. Much more than she had anticipated. Especially when he turned his red eyes her way. Finally, Veld managed to speak. "Vincent?"

Vincent stood at that. He tilted his head slightly and looked at Veld for a few moments before speaking. "I was once known as that. Now I am a monster. Leave me."

Veld looked flabbergasted at the dismissal, but it was the push Clarissa needed to speak up. "Bullshit. I know the things you keep inside, and you are no more of a monster than the rest of us. A monster is defined by their actions and the most monstrous thing you have done so far is lock yourself away out of guilt when you could have been helping people."

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