Chapter 9

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Once again Genesis was drawn by the broken look in her eyes. He hadn't had the opportunity to speak with her for more than a few hours, but he already had a feeling for her personality. Throughout her interactions with all of them, from the Soldiers guarding her room to himself and the other Firsts, she did not seem to understand the meaning of backing down. To see her like this, lost, it put him on edge. He wondered what could do that to a person.

His thoughts were interrupted by a knock on his office door. As irritated as he was at the disruption, he couldn't ignore it. "Yes?" The door opened to reveal the Turk Veld had sent over. Genesis was somewhat surprised they had sent Tseng.

"I was told there was an investigation you needed assistance with." Clarissa finally looked up at the new voice. Her eyes widened after he spoke, and she turned to get a good look at him.

"Are you..." She turned back to Genesis. "Is he talking about me?" She had to force back the rest of her question, knowing how it might condemn her if she pointed out the fact that she was aware that Tseng was a Turk. She knew her surprise and fear were enough to cause Genesis to question her. She could see the calculating look in his eyes and hoped he didn't push her hard. She sucked at lying.

Genesis saw her lost look transpose to one of fear as soon as Tseng spoke up. He could also see Tseng's calculating mind already at work. She had to have known she would be under investigation, he had already told her as much. Maybe she was more comfortable with him than one of the others. She had already admitted to being a fan. Whatever it was, his gut instinct kept screaming at him that she was more than she seemed. He wasn't sure what exactly, most likely not a threat, but more was certain. He kept his doubts from his voice when he answered. "I did tell you we were investigating how you arrived. Just because you have no memory of the event doesn't mean we can brush it off."

"Oh... I guess that makes sense." Her face closed off at his response. The sight of it intrigued him. She had been so open up until now that he wondered why she retreated into herself so suddenly.

His contemplation and Tseng's next question were both interrupted by an extremely loud gurgling sound emanating from the general region of the woman's stomach. Genesis smirked at her. "I suppose that means you weren't exaggerating when you said you were hungry."

Her face tinged with pink, but she managed to nod back at him. "Yeah, I think it has been a while since I last ate."

He only deliberated for a moment before standing. "Why don't we go and get you something to eat then. I'm sure we can chat over a meal. Tseng, will you be joining us?"

Whatever had been on Tseng's mind was hidden by his always impassive face. He simply moved to step out of the office to allow the others to leave. "Not today. I have a few other things to check into. If you could let me know when you return I will come speak with you."

When Clarissa stood Genesis put his hand between her shoulder blades and guided her out of the door. Once they were all in the hall she stopped, Genesis turned back to see why, causing Tseng to pause momentarily as well. "Um, I know this is a bother but... I... uh... I don't even have any shoes. I don't have anything. Is there... could there possibly be a way for me to at least..." Her voice finally trailed off as her face heated again. She had not been so dependent on another person since she was a small child. It bothered her more than it should have.

With a slight shake of his head he returned and put a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Why don't we see if we can find something more appropriate for you to wear. Once we do, I will take us to a good restaurant to help make up for this trouble." It was obvious to him that she was a rather independent woman. She had no problem standing up for herself so far, so he could only imagine how she must feel at being in an alien environment and at other people's mercy. Just because he was investigating her didn't mean he couldn't try to be accommodating. It might even help unravel her mystery. Not to mention, if he was going to have to keep her under observation there would be no point in antagonizing her and making his own life miserable.

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