Chapter 24

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When she got back to the classroom she was glad to see everyone still milling around. She quickly headed back to her seat, not wanting to be up when the instructor came back in. She looked back over her shoulder sharply as she felt someone looming close by. She was surprised to see a group of three boys being led by Rodney. "Were you lying to that Second?"

She gave him a confused look. "Lying? About what?"

He gave her a dirty look before continuing. "Everyone knows the Crimson Commander hates cadets. We all know to avoid him or get fried. Why would he mentor you?"

Clarissa just raised a brow at his sneer. Obviously, he hadn't understood from their last encounter that he was far from intimidating. "Did I give you the impression that I care about your opinion? If so, let me rectify that. I have no need to explain anything to you and don't really care if you like it or not."

When he jerked forward and grabbed one of the buckles across her chest in a threatening manner she made sure her face didn't show her anger. Instead she raised her brow again. "Is there something you needed? Honestly, I would appreciate it if you would take your seat. I'm sure Sergeant Mays will be here in a moment to take us to the training room and I'd rather not have to do push-ups again."

At her words he looked back over his shoulder quickly. When he found the Sergeant wasn't in the room yet, he turned back to her with a scowl. He looked like he wanted to say something else but just pushed her back, releasing her buckle, before walking back to his own seat. She shook her head at his retreating form before turning back to the front. He might end up being a problem. She needed to keep an eye out for him when they weren't in the classroom.

The instructor entered the room soon after Rodney had taken his seat causing Clarissa the send up a thankful prayer. She was glad he hadn't walked in on the confrontation. Somehow, she felt that he wouldn't care who started it or what it was about, and she really didn't want to do more push-ups. She knew they would probably have plenty to do anyway.

As soon as he got to the front of the room, everyone stood with a salute. Clarissa scrambled up to follow suit. She once again cursed the fact that she was coming into this in the middle. Her focus was once more on the Sergeant when he yelled out at the class. "Alright, group one head to the mats, group two start running."

There was a loud chorus of 'yes sir!' before the class started to shuffle out and to the training room. Clarissa paused before moving to intercept him. "Sir, I apologize but which group should I go with?"

He gave her a glare but didn't yell. "Head out with group two."

"Yes sir." She didn't give him a chance to yell at her again before she quickly walked to follow the group that was already running around the room. She fell into step with the rest of the group, holding in a groan when she noticed Rodney was near the front. She decided she would do her best to stay out of his sight.

The group she was with didn't just run laps. After the first round she noticed there was a pattern that ran in between the mats and around the circles that she could only surmise were for sparring. The whole group had been running for nearly an hour before they were finally called to a stop. There had been several cadets that had slowed to a walk, only to be pulled out and made to do push-ups. Clarissa was surprised to find that the pace didn't tire her out as she had expected it to. She was beginning to realize that being enhanced might make this a lot easier than she was expecting. At least this part. Somehow, she doubted any of the work she was going to do with Genesis would be easy.

When they switched places with the other group she groaned. The mats meant hand to hand practice. She should have known she spoke too soon. Mays had them paired up and facing each other in short order. She had been put with a cadet she hadn't seen yet. At least he hadn't given her a dirty look when they squared off. He just gave her a nod before lunging at her at the instructor's shout of 'begin!'.

Clarissa panicked for a moment. She really didn't know anything about blocking or hitting. Instinctively she dodged before the young man could connect with the chop he had aimed at her. He stumbled slightly as she sidestepped but quickly righted himself and lunged again. This time she was ready. She could see each of his movements well before they got close to her, so she was able to easily dodge each of his blows. She could tell he was starting to get frustrated as nothing he threw out connected. Clarissa was satisfied to watch him as she dodged. If she was going to be expected to learn this she would start by observing.

She had just dodged a high kick when the instructor's voice rang out. "Williamson! What in Odin's name are you doing? This isn't dance class! You're supposed to hit your opponent!" He stalked over and dismissed the young cadet before facing her. "Hit me! If you can't hit me in five minutes you'll run an extra 50 laps. Do I make myself clear?"

Clarissa glared at him, but she still managed a stiff 'yes sir' before he moved. Her eyes widened as she realized he was much faster than the cadet had been. She was reminded instantly that he was an actual Soldier. Even if he was Third or Second class he was still enhanced. She gritted her teeth as she barely dodged his first few blows. It was only when she remembered facing Genesis that she was reminded she was enhanced too. She started watching him closely as he continued to try and hit her. She didn't have much training, but she knew enough that when he threw a wide punch at her head she was able to duck and move inside his reach. She quickly thrust the heel of her palm out, scoring a solid hit on his chest that caused him to stumble back.

He straightened quickly but when he did, he didn't move to try and continue swinging at her. Instead he gave her an evaluating look, finishing up on her eyes. When he really looked at her, his eyes widened. He quickly told the cadet to go join the group next to them before grabbing her arm and marching her out of the room. When they stopped in the hall he turned to her with furrowed brows. "Why didn't you tell me you were already enhanced?"

She looked at him in surprise before finally finding her voice. "I thought you already knew. Sir."

His face grew contemplative before turning slightly. She realized he was talking to himself, but she could hear most of it. "Gaia damned idiots. What the hell are they playing at now. Probably that Gaia damned Science Department."

He finally turned back to her, the scowl still on his face, but she was pretty sure it wasn't for her this time. "Alright, I don't want you pairing with any of the other cadets. I understand now why the Commander was assigned for most of your PT. You'll do all the same drills but when it comes to sparring you'll be facing me."

"Yes sir." She nodded her understanding. She wasn't thrilled about the idea but at least she was pretty sure he didn't think she was a useless pet project now, which is how he had been treating her all day. "If I may sir?" She had a few questions and hoped that now that he wasn't so antagonistic she might be able to ask.

"Yeah, what is it?"

At his gruff response she jumped in. "I am not sure what else they told you, but I have no real combat training. I am here to learn but I wanted to let you know I am starting from scratch."

He barked a laugh at that. "Of course, Gaia damned idiots, didn't think of how this might affect me. I don't have time for this shit. Whatever." She could tell he was frustrated but when he turned back to her he didn't look ready to kill her at least. "You'll get all the training you need with the Commander. I'll make sure to hone everything you learn. Just don't start shit in my class and you'll be fine."

She gave him a nod again. "Yes sir."

"Head back. It's almost time for the next round of PT and the Commander will be here soon. Run laps until then."

She managed to suppress her normal sarcasm at his unfair order. She had hit him and still had to run. Instead she just gave him a salute before heading back into the room. The rest of the group had stopped their activities and just watched as she ran around and through the room. Their attention was drawn to shouts out in the hall, but Clarissa studiously ignored them and kept running. She could hear what was being said and was glad she wasn't in the Sergeants shoes. She was sure no one got away with shouting at Genesis like that, even if it was deserved.

edit 11/14/2019

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