Chapter 81

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It had taken them five days to reach Banora. Clarissa hadn't thought about it before they left, but she realized as they got closer that both men would most likely want to at least visit their families while they were there. That made sure she didn't rest well. They both still had secrets to learn and she struggled with the decision to tell them before they got there or not. She had promised not to keep secrets from them, but they weren't her secrets to share. She ended up not saying anything, but it ripped at her heart to keep her silence.

It was evening when they finally arrived. The helicopter had dropped them a short distance from the village and they walked the rest of the way. Clarissa followed them closely, still not quite decided. When they all turned toward the village proper Angeal stopped them. "Genesis, I'm sure you want to see my mother as well, but would you mind visiting tomorrow before we head out? After my last letter she told me there were things I needed to know. She didn't explain, but I think... I think it might be about what happened. I would like the chance..."

When he trailed off Genesis gave his shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "There is no hate, only joy, for you are beloved by the Goddess. I will be at my home if you need me. Otherwise we will see you in the morning."

Angeal gave him a half smile before he turned down the path toward the village. Genesis took Clarissa's hand and turned down the path around town and up to a large manor house. They walked in silence for a few moments, but Genesis spoke up before they made it to the house. "Something has been bothering you since we left Midgar and I don't think it has anything to do with my injury. You know what Gillian wants to talk to Angeal about don't you?"

His voice was too even. The fact that he had figured out as much made her wish she had already told him. It was too late now. She couldn't find her voice, so she just nodded. There was a pause before he spoke again. "Are my parents involved as well?"

At that question she looked to him with pained eyes. When their gazes connected he stopped, dropped her hand and turned away from her. When he turned back she could tell he was fighting his anger. His voice was barely controlled. "Why do you insist on keeping secrets!"

His anger washed over her, and she wanted to cringe, but she squared her shoulders and answered with a voice that didn't waiver. "This was not my secret to share! I have told you everything that I can. This is different. I have no part of it. It should be between you and them. I can't take that away from any of you just because I have some insight."

She watched his fists clench as he stood there staring at her. She wasn't going to back down though. When his anger showed no sign of abating she finally spoke. "I will find a place to stay in town. You can call me in the morning when you are ready to go to the cave."

She started to turn when he grabbed her arm. His grip was tight, and she could tell he was still having trouble controlling his anger, but his voice was steadier. "You will be coming with me. You do not get to walk away because it is difficult."

She looked at him in surprise. Her voice showed her shock and hurt as well. "I wasn't trying to walk away! I thought... I thought you didn't want me there. I know you told me I needed to be completely honest with you, so..."

The hand that wasn't on her arm clenched several times before he finally answered. "I realize if you were trying to keep secrets you would not have told me when I asked. I do not like not knowing, but I realize this was not an easy choice for you. I will not say I am not angry, but I can respect the reason you withheld this information."

He stopped speaking and looked deeply in her eyes for several moments before he spoke again. "Is there anything else you know that you have been holding back?"

She frantically searched her memory. She had tried to make sure that they were all prepared so the only things she had withheld were things that were personal. Other than the fact that he had been adopted, she couldn't think of anything else. She honestly felt that it should be his parents that told him, but she doubted he would allow her to not tell him. She finally covered his clenched fist with her own. "There are a couple things that I believe would best come from your parents, but if you want I will tell you."

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