Chapter 54

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Clarissa had been having an intense dream, so when she was awoken her foggy brain wasn't sure if she was still dreaming. The feel of a warm hand running across her stomach and up to cup one of her breasts had her moaning before she finally opened her eyes and realized that she was not dreaming. She barely had a chance to remember where she was and why before that same hand slid back down her stomach and to her hip. It pulled her back and all thought fled when she felt Genesis pressed against her.

His hot kisses on her neck had her trying to turn over and face him but his grip on her hip pushed her forward instead. She obliged his insistence and turned onto her stomach. She tried to lift and look over her shoulder, but he pressed her back down before running kisses all the way down her spine. By the time he reached the small of her back, she was breathless.

She tried to turn again but he placed a hand on her back to prevent it as his other hand trailed across her bottom and made its way between her legs. He pushed her thighs apart slightly as he reached her core. She didn't see his smile as he felt how ready for him she already was. She shivered when he leaned forward. A large part of it was the feel of his hot arousal on her backside, but the rest was his breath that tickled her shoulder when he whispered. "Do you want me?"

She felt like her bones were melting at the seductive tone of his voice. The fact that she was breathless when she answered only made him smile wider. "Genesis! Yes!" She couldn't get anything else out.

At her answer he leaned back and lifted her hips, finally allowing her to raise up onto her hands and knees. She looked back over her shoulder to see him push her legs further apart. When he moved forward and entered her she couldn't stop her back from arching at the feel of him filling her. She was still sore from the previous night, but he started slowly, allowing her body time to adjust to the feel of him.

It wasn't long before he could no longer hold back. She wasn't disappointed when his pace increased. She became lost in the feel of him filling her over and over. She didn't even notice how hard he was gripping her hips.

When she finally felt the coiled spring inside her start to unravel, she screamed out his name. The feel of him joining her in his release caused her to cascade into a second orgasm. When it finally subsided, and she could see again, she could barely keep herself up on her trembling limbs.

She didn't have to keep trying as Genesis moved to lie down beside her. He gathered her up in his arms and pulled her close. When he finally caught his breath, he placed a kiss on the top of her head.

Clarissa laid there in his arms and soaked up the feel of him. Reality was finally starting to invade, but she was not inclined to pull away and face it. She finally tilted her head back to look up into his face. His eyes had been closed, but at her movement he opened them. She was pleased to see a soft smile grace his lips when their eyes met. He gave her the sweetest kiss before pulling back and speaking. "We should get up. I am sure there are things we need to talk about and, as pleasant as this is, I doubt it would be conducive to conversation."

She gave him a mock pout. "Are you certain we can't spend the day in bed? I would think we deserve a little R&R."

He laughed softly at her words before kissing her forehead. "I would love to agree, but it can't be put off forever."

"Fine." She huffed as she pulled away from his embrace. The sudden cool air on her skin after his heat, had her shivering.

He ran a hand down her arm as he sat up beside her. "Why don't you clean up. I'll have coffee ready when you get out."

She couldn't resist kissing him again before standing. "You know exactly how to talk to me don't you?"

He smacked her bottom with a smirk as she stood to walk to the bathroom. She gave him a glare, but it only caused his smirk to grow. She didn't bother saying anything. Instead she shook her head at his antics as she walked off.

By the time she was done showering she could smell the wonderful aroma of Genesis' special blend. She smiled as she toweled off and walked back into the bedroom. He had already moved to get a change of clothes and had them in hand when she walked in. He paused to kiss her softly. "Get dressed and make yourself a cup. I won't be long."

She stood for a few moments with a silly smile on her face after he walked out. She finally managed to shake the euphoria off and turned to get dressed. It was at that point that she realized she had nothing to wear besides her dress. She wasn't going to put it back on. It only took her a moment to come to the decision to raid Genesis' closet. It would only be for a short time anyway. She pulled out one of his button downs before moving to see if she could find something for bottoms. When she found his underwear drawer, she had to bite her lip to keep from laughing. She was unsurprised to find that most of them were silky boxers. She pulled out a random pair and prayed that they would fit well enough. To her relief, her hips worked to keep them from falling, even if the waist was too big.

By the time she was dressed, she already heard Genesis in the kitchen. She made her way to finally get her cup of coffee. When she walked into the kitchen, she found Genesis already seated with a cup. He paused with it halfway to his lips when he caught sight of her. He quickly put it down before snagging her arm and pulling her down into his lap. "Starlight, you cannot wear that if we are to be able to have a serious conversation."

She quirked a brow at his new pet name for her. "Starlight?"

He couldn't hide a small smirk as he answered. "Don't change the subject. You need to put on clothes. This is completely distracting."

She shook her head at his diversion. "If you want me to wear something else, then you will need to go next door and get it for me. Now or later, it makes no difference to me, but I'm not putting that dress back on and I can't walk around naked."

She watched as his eyes dilated slightly at her words. He didn't move for a moment. When he finally spoke, he wasn't the only one that was trying to repress the urge to head back to the bedroom. "Under normal circumstances I would not object if you did, however, I will go get you something more appropriate."

He allowed her to stand before he headed out of the door. Clarissa briefly hoped that he didn't run into anyone out there as he hadn't bothered putting a shirt on either. She pushed that image aside and moved to pour herself a cup of coffee. She had barely had a chance to sit down with it when he returned. He handed the bundle to her. "Please get dressed."

She stood and took the clothes from him but paused before walking back to the room. "If I need to get dressed to keep from being a distraction then so should you."

He looked down at his bare chest before moving to stand in front of her. "I'll use this one for now."

"Genesis! I thought we were trying to focus on conversation!?" She barely got her objections out before he undid the last button and pushed the shirt off her shoulders. She heard his breath catch as he saw what else she was wearing. His widened eyes shot up to hers. His voice was husky when he spoke. "Go now, before I change my mind."

She allowed the shirt to fall into his hands before she turned to go. She couldn't stop a slight flush as she felt his eyes follow her out of the room. She returned, fully dressed, to find Genesis back at the table with his cup of coffee and a copy of Loveless. She laughed lightly at the sight. She still avoided getting too close as he looked up. She ignored his gaze as she took her first sip of coffee.

edit 11/19/2019

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