Chapter 14

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Angeal left them before they reached the elevators, citing work, when he headed to his office. It made Clarissa wonder if all the Firsts hated going to the Science Department, only Genesis was the most vocal about it. Her random thoughts were cut off when they arrived at the 67th floor. So far it was unassuming, but they were only in the little area around the elevator. Genesis led her to the only door in the room where they entered a small office with another door leading out the back.

There was a timid looking man sitting at a computer. He jumped when Genesis spoke out. "I was told to bring this woman in for an examination."

The man held a hand over his heart but nodded in understanding. "She can go right through this door. The Professor is expecting her."

Genesis didn't bother replying to the man, instead he placed his hand on Clarissa's back to guide her through the door. Before they reached it, the man spoke up again. It was obvious he was scared of Genesis, but he still managed to stutter out what he was trying to say. "Uh, the Professor was only expecting her, Commander. You don't have to accompany her."

Genesis shot the man a glare. "I am responsible for her, so I will be accompanying her whether the Professor expects it or not."

Clarissa almost felt sorry for the poor man as he could only manage to nod under the look Genesis was giving him. Behind the door they found a hallway lined with doors. Some were open, and Clarissa could hear sounds that made her blood run cold. Most were faint but in one of the nearby rooms she heard crying. Her fear was quickly mounting into terror but was interrupted by a young woman that came out of the nearest room to meet them. "Ah, Commander Rhapsodos, are you here to bring in the girl that General Sephiroth sent the reports on?"

The woman's gaze had wandered over to Clarissa. Her eyes widened upon seeing her. Clarissa could only assume it had something to do with the striking silver hair. Even in this world it was not a normal color. "Oh my!" Clarissa didn't like the look that entered the scientist's eyes. "Thank you, Commander, I can take her from here."

This time Genesis took hold of Clarissa's arm firmly. "I will be accompanying her."

The woman frowned over at Genesis but didn't bother correcting him. "Fine, you're already late so let's not keep the Professor waiting." Clarissa was sure she heard Genesis mumble something under his breath but didn't catch what he said as they followed the woman down to the last door at the end of the hall.

That door opened up into a large area with a variety of desks, monitors, and to Clarissa's horror, specimen tanks. She was only thankful that nothing of importance seemed to be going on at the moment and the tanks were empty. That only lasted until she finally saw Hojo. He was leaning over a desk looking through papers when the woman scientist walked over to him. Clarissa didn't hear what was said but when Hojo looked back he was scowling.

He hadn't bothered to look at Clarissa when he walked over to where they were standing. His gaze was trained on Genesis. "You are not needed here."

Clarissa could tell Genesis wanted to say something badly, but he paused long enough that what he actually said was civil enough to not cause problems. "I don't really care what your opinion on the matter is. She is my responsibility and I will not be leaving her alone."

Hojo's gaze was hard but he finally waved off the unspoken threat before heading back to the door they had just come from. "No matter. Bring the subject to the exam room."

Clarissa barely noted the glare Genesis shot to Hojo's back. She was too preoccupied with fear and having a hard time putting one foot in front of the other. Her fright was quickly overriding her good sense and she was having an increasingly hard time not letting her dread show and tip off everyone around her that she knew more than she should.

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