Chapter 50

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Genesis carried Clarissa for almost a day without stopping, before they were found by a team sent to retrieve them. Their progress had been slowed by the fact that she was not the only one injured. He had to stop twice to take an ether and try to keep her from losing any more blood. As skilled as he was there was only so much magic could do. She was going to need surgical help to put things back in place before any real healing could be accomplished. Not even her mako enhancements would be able to save her if she lost any more blood, and he was nearly positive she still had internal bleeding as well, a fact that did not serve to lessen his worry.

At one point she stopped breathing and Genesis nearly gave in to panic. He had never been scared for another person as much as he was before she started breathing again. He picked up the pace after that, hardly caring that the rest of the squad could barely keep up.

They were met part way by a pair of helicopters that had finally been able to hone in on their location. Several fresh Soldiers stepped in to help the injured get loaded so they could get to the medics. Genesis ignored them all. He settled Clarissa gently in the back of one of the helicopters before sitting next to her. Every time the chopper rocked in the slightest, he gave the pilot a glare. Once they landed, Genesis was the first one out. He didn't run, as jostling her would have made it worse, but he made it across the mobile base quicker than any of the others. The medics immediately took her in for surgery. Genesis lost track of the hours he spent pacing outside the mobile unit until finally another medic approached him. "Commander Rhapsodos, you should rest. I was told you marched through the night before being found and brought in. I can make sure someone comes and gets you as soon as she's out."

Genesis nearly snarled at the man. "It's my fault she's like this in the first place. I can't sleep."

If the man was fazed by his outburst, he didn't show it. He was probably trained to deal with cranky Soldiers. "I understand why you might feel that way Commander, but you will not do anyone in this camp any good if you collapse. You can rest in the recovery tent that way you will know as soon as she comes out." Genesis finally relented and ducked into the tent next to the mobile surgical unit. He knew he wasn't going to be able to get the medic to leave him alone if he didn't. That was a special breed of people. He had seen them successfully bully Sephiroth into admitting to an injury once.

Even though he agreed to rest, he could not find sleep. Every time he closed his eyes, all he could see was the sword sliding clean through her body. And worse, she didn't bother pulling it out as she waded into the enemy ranks to continue fighting. It was like a waking nightmare.

He had finally relented and agreed to help Hollander in order to prevent the things the scientist claimed would happen. He was supposed to have left the small group of Soldiers behind in Fort Tamblin and head back to the encampment to round up all the Soldiers he could. He was then supposed to take them to where Hollander had people waiting. It was only an unnamed instinct that made him pause and head back into the heart of the Fort instead.

When he first arrived, even he was staggered at the sight in front of him. He could not easily count the number of bodies around the courtyard, but it was plain to see that the small band was finally becoming overrun with sheer numbers alone. Every other thought became static in his mind when he saw Clarissa stagger out of the circle. His instincts were screaming for him to chase down the last of the fleeing men, but the bit of reason he still held onto made sure he was at Clarissa's side before she hit the ground.

Those circling thoughts were finally brought to a halt as he heard the tent flap being pulled back. He sat up instantly and watched as they wheeled her to the location next to him. His eyes roved over her pallid face, a likely byproduct of all the blood she had lost, but she was breathing evenly. He felt the knot in his chest finally loosen a little. He barely heard the doctor tell him that she would need at least two weeks of rest maybe more before the man gave up and left him alone. He didn't move for the rest of the night. Every breath she took eased his pain a little more.

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