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Genesis noticed immediately when the woman had stopped breathing. His enhanced hearing could pick up the slight shifting of the blankets around her and realized she must be listening to their conversation. Once he knew that he walked to the bedside to see if she would finally open her eyes. He was barely listening to the doctor but gave a start when he heard the actual level of mako in the mystery woman's system. It shouldn't have surprised him when he thought about how bright her eyes glowed. He had missed that fact somehow when he first found her in his room but once Sephiroth pointed it out it was easy to see. He still wasn't sure how he missed it. Thinking about her eyes made him stare even more intently. When she finally did open them, he caught her gaze immediately. They both stared at each other; Genesis was trying to see if she would spill her secrets. It took the doctor a moment to understand why he wasn't answering but as soon as she did she went to work checking up on the patient.

Once the doctor started asking the woman questions, it was easy to tell that she was avoiding his gaze. He could tell she was aware of his staring even if she wasn't looking. She was obviously distracted. He wondered if her nerves stemmed from feeling guilty or just nervous in his presence. If she was a professional, her nervousness would not make sense unless she was faking it. That thought made his head hurt slightly. It would take a seasoned professional to pretend to be a nervous chit, something that was not outside the realm of possibility with her enhancements.

When the doctor was finally finished and asked him to follow her out, he gave the woman a last hard look and followed to the doctor's office nearby. Once they were both seated the doctor gave him a strange look before getting into why she had wanted to talk to him out of the patient's earshot. "She seems to be recovering well. Honestly, I would expect her to still be feeling horrible. It takes days after exposure, even just boosters, for anyone I've seen to be back in functioning status. I can't really tell how long ago her exposure was, so it could be that she is on the tail end of it. Even without that though, her responses to my questions were odd in the extreme. Someone that has that level of mako in their system shouldn't be dealing with migraines at all unless it was during the boosters."

Genesis was partially glad to see the woman seemed strange to someone other than himself, but it didn't assuage his doubts about her. "Then it is your recommendation that she comes from an organization that rival's Shinra?"

The doctor took a moment before answering, making sure her ideas were organized. "It is possible for her to have been exposed naturally. It would take a person that has extremely high tolerance levels for mako to be exposed for an extended amount of time. The likelihood of a person like that existing that wasn't recruited at a much younger age is not very high. It isn't impossible, so I can't rule that option out. That being said, it would not be my first thought. The most likely option is that she was experimented on somewhere else. I wouldn't be able to hazard a guess as to where though."

It now seemed more likely that his impromptu guest from the previous night was actually a threat. He was still reluctant to get the Turks involved though. There were still too many things about her that didn't make sense if she were an enemy spy. The strangest of which, why would she allow herself to be captured so they could easily find out her enhanced status? Just thinking about it was putting a sour feeling in his stomach. Shaking off those thoughts he turned back to the doctor again. "If your report is finished I will take it to the General, along with your recommendations."

"Give me one moment. I need to add what I just found out." It only took her a few moments to add the last of the notes before handing the finished report to Genesis. He took it with a nod and then headed to find Sephiroth.

He was so immersed in his thoughts on the situation that he didn't notice the presence of Angeal's puppy until he was already next to him. "Oh hey, Commander Rhapsodos! Angeal told me there was a little bit of a scuffle last night. Is everything okay?"

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