Chapter 84

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When Clarissa finally woke it was dusk. She was surprised by the growing gloom, but more surprised by the wide-eyed girl that jumped up as soon as she sat up. The girl gave her a bow before speaking. "Mistress Williamson, I have been instructed to take you to the drawing room as soon as you were awake and felt up to it. I can lead you there as soon as you are ready."

Clarissa grimaced at the girl's address, but she tried to smile as she stood. "Please just call me Clarissa." She didn't see the girl's response because she nearly fell over when she stood. She was still lightheaded, but it passed after a few moments. She saw the girl was standing next to her with wide eyes. She tried to give her a reassuring smile. "I'm fine. It looks like I was out for some time, so it's not surprising. I just need a little food and I'll be right as rain."

At the girl's confused look, Clarissa just gave her another smile. "Could you please take me to Genesis?"

At that request the girl finally lit up. "Of course, ma'am. Please follow me."

She led Clarissa back down to the room where they had first met Genesis' parents the night before. There was an immediate answer when the maid knocked. She opened the door and bowed with a step back so Clarissa could enter. She tried to thank the girl, but she was interrupted by Genesis. She had only taken a couple of steps before he was there in front of her. "Are you feeling well?"

She gave him a half smile at his worried tone. "I wouldn't be here if I wasn't."

He scowled down at her but took her hand and led her back to where he had been sitting with his parents. When he led her to sit next to him on the couch, his mother gave her a bright smile. "It is good to see you up. Is there anything you need?"

Clarissa shook her head with a smile. "No thank you. I appreciate all of your hospitality thus far."

Genesis interrupted again. "Nonsense. You have slept all day and barely ate this morning. You need to eat something." She tried to object but he had already moved to an intercom to order tea. Clarissa shook her head at his pushiness, but she wore a smile. When he sat back down they both turned back to his parents.

His mother smiled again when she spoke. "Genesis has told us so much about you. It is amazing that you are able to keep up with the other Soldiers. I never thought to see the day a woman would join their ranks and be in line for a promotion to First as well. That is quite the accomplishment."

Clarissa could feel her cheeks heat slightly as she turned to her lover. He only smirked at her, which made the blush deepen. She turned back to his mother and tried to formulate a response. "Thank you, but honestly, the circumstances pretty much forced me to succeed. Failure was never an option."

At her words his mother's brow rose. "You remind me of Angeal. Perhaps that was what drew Genesis to you in the first place."

Clarissa wasn't sure how to respond to that, and luckily, she didn't have to. Genesis spoke up. "Do not let her fool you, mother, she is an adept participant in all our verbal spars."

Clarissa had to cover her mouth as she was having a hard time not laughing at the fact that he had just told them she had as much of a temper as he did. While it wasn't untrue, it was still unexpected. At least he had admitted to the fact that he had a temper too.

Their conversation was suddenly interrupted by Genesis' phone. He frowned when he pulled it out. He excused himself quickly and walked to the other side of the room. Clarissa didn't bother to hide the fact that she was trying to figure out what it was about. She didn't have long to wait though. He was wearing a deep frown when he rejoined them. "That was Angeal. He just heard from headquarters and something has come up that could cause trouble."

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