Chapter 79

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Once they were alone in the hallway Cloud shuffled his feet nervously until Clarissa patted him on his shoulder. "No one here will bite, at least not until you actually start basic. For now, why don't we head to the cafeteria? If I had to guess at this time of day, that will be where we will find Zack."

He still looked slightly nervous, but he gave her a nod and moved to walk beside her. They hadn't made it far before he finally spoke up. "I know the General was saying all that about me, but I'm not sure I'll be able to live up to his expectations."

She wanted to hug him so badly, but she managed to only give him another pat on the shoulder. "Don't focus on what you think you can't do. I know he wouldn't have recommended you if there weren't a reason. You can only go day by day and do your best each day. If you focus on pushing your limits and finding what you can do, you'll see that eventually you'll be able to do more than you ever thought possible. Trust me on that one."

He didn't look entirely convinced, but he gave her a nod anyway. By that time, they had made it to the cafeteria. Clarissa stopped in the door and looked around. It didn't take her long to find Zack talking animatedly to Angeal. At the sight she faltered, but she forced her feet to keep moving. She had been given an order after all, not to mention Angeal was the only one she hadn't apologized to yet.

Neither of the Soldiers had caught sight of her until she was nearly on them. Zack was the first to see her and his eyes instantly widened before he jumped at her. She couldn't hold in her laugh as he wrapped her in one of his infamous hugs. She realized it was more than his normal greeting when he started speaking fast and didn't let her go. She tried to push away gently so she could understand him better, but he didn't let go right away. It took some effort on her part before she clearly understood what he had been saying.

"See, I knew you were alright! About a week ago Aerith freaked out during one of my visits and said something was wrong with you. I told her you could take care of yourself, but she's still freaking out. We have to go see her. It was worse when I mentioned it to Angeal and Genesis disappeared the next day too. Did he come back with you? Oh, oh, did you hear that the president was assassinated too? Angeal's pretty busy now."

She finally managed to extricate herself and held up both her hands before he could continue. "Slow down. As you can see I'm fine. I would like to visit Aerith as well, but you and I have something to take care of first." At that she motioned a wide-eyed Cloud over.

He hesitated, but finally moved to hold out his hand to Zack. "Cloud Strife. Nice to meet you."

Zack took his hand with a grin. "Soldier Second Class, Zack Fair. Nice to meet you too! So, what can I help you with?"

Cloud looked like he wasn't sure what to say so Clarissa stepped up again. "I was told to find you and have the two of us show Mr. Strife around the Soldier floor. Apparently, the General sees some potential in him and is anticipating him joining us as soon as he is old enough."

Cloud blushed again, but Zack's grin got even wider. "So, the General noticed you! That's awesome! If he sees something, then I really am looking forward to working with you!"

At that Clarissa spoke up again. "Zack, could you please show Cloud the rest of the cafeteria? I need to speak with Commander Hewley for a moment."

He gave her a nod before turning and flinging his arm over Cloud's shoulder. "Alright, Spikey, let me tell you what is good here and what isn't."

She smiled as they walked away, but the smile faded when she turned to Angeal. He had been watching the scene with a small smile. She wasn't sure if it was a good sign or not that it didn't fade when the other two left. She took a deep breath and looked into his eyes. "I wanted to apologize. I have already spoken with both Genesis and Sephiroth, and I didn't think my actions through very well. It was never my intention to betray any of you or make you think that I couldn't trust you or that I was untrustworthy."

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