Chapter 69

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Over the next several days Clarissa didn't see much of the three Firsts. They were all kept busy with trying to keep the chaos under control at what everyone assumed was the desertion of the top two scientists.

She was busy as well. She spent most of her time trying to keep Shelke entertained and not thinking about what she had been through. The girl had taken to sleeping with Clarissa all the time as well. It helped that all the Firsts stopped and visited at least once a day, even if it was only for a few minutes. She was glad to see that Shelke was slowly returning to a normal little girl.

Clarissa was also glad that Genesis seemed to be taking the invasion of his personal space fairly well. She had offered to go back to her own apartment with Shelke, but Genesis had made it clear he still had no plans to have her sleeping in a separate bed, even if that meant they shared the bed with Shelke as well. She couldn't say that she was upset by his refusal. It continued to help her feel better about her own situation that he wasn't treating her any differently.

It was the second day after her wing had sprouted that she was finally able to figure out how to hide it. She had been practicing trying to move it and had most of the control figured out, though she still had to concentrate on it. It took another day for her to be able to keep it hidden well enough for Sephiroth to agree that she could leave the apartment.

On the fourth day Clarissa decided that she had been cooped up enough, and so had Shelke. Once her mind was made up she helped Shelke get ready and then called Genesis. His voice was all business when he finally answered. "Genesis speaking."

She giggled at his tone. She could picture his face softening when he responded. "Love, why are you calling?"

She couldn't manage to stop grinning at his words. "I have a favor to ask."

He responded with a hum. She took that as his approval to continue. "Zack has been avoiding me. I was wondering if you would please call him into your office, so I can speak to him. You don't have to tell him why."

She almost giggled again as his tone hardened. "Why would you ask me? Why not ask Angeal?"

"Because he wouldn't do it. He would say something about ambushing his student and such. I have something I need him for, plus I don't want him to avoid me forever."

Genesis paused for a moment before he answered. "Why do you need the Puppy?"

She couldn't contain her smile. "Because, not everything that happened before was bad. Things have changed to the point that one of those rare good things might not happen so I'm going to give it a little push."

There was a longer pause this time. "You said he had a girlfriend. Is that what you are talking about?"

"Yes! Plus, I already told Aerith I would be visiting, and it's been days."

She could hear the surprise in his voice when he spoke again. "The Ancient was Zack's girlfriend?"

"Yes, Aerith was. Will you please call him?"

He paused long enough that she wasn't sure if he was going to agree. When he finally spoke, she couldn't hold in her grin. "I'll ask him to come right now."

She was on the verge of laughing when she thanked him and hung up. She turned to Shelke with a big smile. "This will be amazing! You will get to meet some great people. Are you ready to get out of this apartment?" Shelke responded with a nod and a smile.

It didn't take them long to get to Genesis' office. She was grateful to see Zack sitting nervously in front of Genesis' desk. He looked up with wide eyes when she entered. When Genesis caught sight of them, he frowned slightly before he spoke. "Zack, I believe Clarissa wanted to speak with you. You have my permission to leave with her."

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