Chapter 64

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By the time they made it back to the apartments Clarissa was ready to crawl into bed and not come out for several days at least. When she opened her door, Genesis moved to follow her in. She gave him a questioning look. "I was planning to go to bed. I know we need to talk, but I don't think I am up for much more right now. Can you please give me time?"

He shook his head at her request. "I had assumed that would be the case, and I will state that I like my own bed better, but we will not be sleeping in separate beds."

After the tenseness of the entire day, his simple comment had her laughing. She gave him a hug before responding. "I wasn't thinking about that. I like your bed better too. Let me at least get some clothes and then we can turn in."

He followed her into her apartment and waited by the door while she gathered a few things. They were silent as they moved to his. They both had minds full of the day's events and neither of them could be called relaxed when they finally turned in. Despite that, they both managed to relax into sleep easily in each other's arms.


The next several days fell into a waiting pattern. Clarissa felt the electricity in the air like a storm was brewing, but it hadn't broken yet. She was confined to the Soldier floor, so the only places she went were Genesis' apartment and the training rooms. The only exception to that was on the second day. She had remembered something important she needed to tell Veld if he was going to be looking for Felicia.

She had to go to Sephiroth for permission first. He was still tense when she came in, but he didn't treat her any different. A fact that she was thankful for, since she was about to add even more to his load. "Sephiroth, thank you for seeing me. I needed to ask if I could get permission to talk to Veld. I am sure he won't be happy to see me again, but it's important."

His lip quirked slightly at her words on Veld's opinion, but it was quickly hidden again. "I don't know if Veld will agree to see you again right now. Can you tell me what it is, and I can try to pass it on?"

She gave him a nod after only a moment. "That would work. Honestly you should probably know as well."

He raised a brow at her words but didn't interrupt. "If Veld is going to be investigating Avalanche even more, than he needs to keep an eye out for a man named Fuhito. He is with Avalanche, but he is just as bad as Hojo. They were supposed to attack after the end of the war early next year, but now that it was ended a few months early, I don't know if they will start now. His goal is to annihilate all life on Gaia to allow the planet to heal and he is working to make an army of warriors called Ravens to rival Soldier. The problem is that they become mindless killing machines and he wants to get ahold of some Soldiers to make them even stronger."

Sephiroth looked contemplative at her words. He finally looked up and gave her a hard stare. She wished she wasn't getting used to seeing that look. She shook off that thought when he spoke. "You are saying the war with Wutai wasn't supposed to end for several months?"

She was surprised that was the fact he caught first, but she gave him a nod anyway. "Yes, in February, but that's because Genesis and then Angeal both defected. Since Genesis didn't leave, he was able to end the war early."

He shook his head at her words. "I can understand why you were so adamant about telling us that things were already changing." His look turned contemplative as he continued to look at her. "What is it about you that could change history to such an extent."

She blushed at his words. She hadn't thought about it in terms like that. She just knew that she had to change things. The alternative was unacceptable. "You know, most of it was done by other people. My only contribution was being stubborn. I couldn't let Genesis leave."

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