Chapter 88

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When they got back to Nibelheim they found that Reno and Rude had worked with the villagers to get everything under control quickly. Because of that, there was little damage done. Several people had been injured, but no one was killed. The Ravens seemed to have been more focused on the reactor thankfully. The only problem was that Jack was still missing. He had not been with the Ravens when they attacked. It didn't take the villagers long to form a search party though.

Genesis had immediately moved to take Clarissa back to the mansion, but they were stopped when the two Turks caught sight of them. It was Reno that spoke up in surprise. "Damn Angel, what the hell happened?"

Genesis paused at his words. If a look could have incinerated a person, Reno would have been as burnt as Jenova. His voice was hard when he spoke. "Who exactly are you speaking to?"

Much to everyone's relief, Reno suddenly decided that he still had work to finish. Clarissa watched as he walked away quickly and tried not to laugh. Her ribs still hurt even if they had been mostly healed. She was sure the only reason the annoying red-head had not been fried where he stood was because Genesis still held her in his arms.

Once Reno was gone it didn't take long for them to all move to the mansion. Even though the strange rain had washed away their injuries and weariness from the battle, they were still drained. Everyone decided that even though they needed to get back to Midgar quickly, they would take a few days to rest.


The next day Clarissa was up despite Genesis' insistence that she stay in bed. When she had everyone gather, there was a sense of urgency. She knew they needed to get back, but there was something else that needed to be done first that was far more important. Once everyone was in the same room, she first turned to Sephiroth. "I can't even begin to express how good it is to see you here and normal. Genesis also told me that you were the first to try to help him find me, so thank you. If it weren't for the noises you all were making, I might not have been able to find the way out."

At her words Sephiroth stood. He paused for a moment, as if he were deliberating something, but then he moved to embrace her. His voice was low when he spoke. "I am the one that should be thanking you. You have always shown concern, even if I did not appreciate it. You saved me. Without you, we would all have been lost."

She allowed the hug to go on for a few moments, mostly to hide the tears she was trying to blink back. She even ignored it when Genesis huffed. The sound did make her smile though. She knew that it would be a hard habit for him to break. When she finally did step back, she squeezed Sephiroth's hand before turning to everyone else. "This feels like a victory finally, but I asked you all to meet this morning because we still have a lot to deal with. Most of it can be tackled when we get back to Midgar, but there is one thing we need to do first." She paused and looked back to Sephiroth again. "We need to go back to Banora. Even though Jenova's body has been destroyed, there is no telling how many of her cells Hojo has scattered around the world. Her body was missing the arms, so just knowing that alone is enough for us to do what needs to be done to make sure none of us can ever be touched by her again."

Sephiroth's brow drew down into a frown. He looked like he wanted to object, but he didn't say anything immediately. When he finally spoke, he looked like he didn't like what he was about the say. "I agree that is an important move. We cannot leave Midgar unprotected for long though. If we can take the same route back to Banora that you took here, we should be able to accomplish it."

Angeal spoke up before anything else was said. "I can head back to Midgar while you head to Banora. You are the one that needs to go the most."

Sephiroth paused again before speaking softly. "Angeal, I appreciate your offer, but I realize this may be the last time you get to visit for some time. We are likely to be buried when we get back. We can all go, we just won't be able to stay long."

Angeal wasn't able to speak for a moment. The look he gave Sephiroth was one of gratitude. "Thank you. There are some things that are incalculable in worth."

Once everything was decided Genesis insisted that Clarissa go back to bed. They had decided to give her one more day to recuperate before they headed out. She was a little irritated that they all insisted that she take the day off, but she didn't say anything. She knew it was because they cared so much.


The trip to the coast was much faster than when Genesis, Angeal and Clarissa had made it. The helicopter was full, but it made the trip easier. Once they reached the village where they would make the crossing, Sephiroth had Vincent, Rude and Reno head back to Midgar with the helicopter as they couldn't take it on the boat anyway.

The trip to Banora was still fast, as they all knew they didn't have much time to waste, but it was far less tense. They didn't push as hard as they could have as Clarissa still needed rest, but they still made good time. It was late when they arrived. Sephiroth had moved to find an inn, but Genesis refused to let him. Angeal went to his own home, but Genesis took Clarissa and Sephiroth to his.

When they arrived, the maid that answered the door nearly fell over when she opened the door and tried to escort them all in quickly. Genesis dismissed her and headed to the drawing room. Apparently, his parents liked to spend their evenings there.

Genesis barely knocked before entering. As happy as his parents obviously were to see them, their shock when Sephiroth walked in behind them was nearly as much as it had been at his last unexpected visit. They recovered quickly and moved to greet them all graciously. "Genesis! We didn't expect you back so soon, and it is nice that you brought guests."

He moved to introduce them. "You have already met Clarissa. This is my fellow First Class, General Sephiroth."

His mother looked like someone had just given her a gift as she moved to shake Sephiroth's hand. "It is a pleasure to meet you! Banora has been graced by two of the three Firsts since this is where they are from, but to be able to welcome you here as well, is a great honor."

Sephiroth looked slightly uncomfortable at her gushing, but her husband quickly stepped in to shake his hand as well. "I second my wife's earnest welcome." After he shook Sephiroth's hand he turned to Genesis. "It's late, were you planning on staying again?"

Genesis nodded. "Yes, I am sure Moira has already moved to set up a room for our guest. Unfortunately, we do not have time to stay for long. We will need to be gone in the morning."

His mother looked disappointed for a moment, but it wasn't long until her smile was back. "We understand. We are just glad to see you were able to deal with whatever your last problem was without difficulty." At her words all three of the Soldiers cringed slightly, and as concerned as Genesis' parents looked at the movement, they were all glad they didn't ask about it. Instead, his mother asked them to join them for the evening. As much as Genesis looked like he wanted to, he knew they needed the rest. He hugged his mother once more before he led the others upstairs.

Edit 11/21/2019

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