Chapter 15

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When they got there, Genesis asked Clarissa to take a seat while he sat down in front of the computer in the corner of his desk. He had barely gotten it turned on and signed in before a notification for an urgent message popped up. It was from Angeal. When he opened it all it had was a link, a link to an article from one of his own fan clubs no less. He knew Angeal wouldn't have marked it urgent if it wasn't important though, so he opened the link. What he found had him cursing.

Clarissa was thinking about looking at what books might line the shelves of an avid poetry fan like Genesis, but her thoughts were interrupted by cursing. She turned to Genesis with surprise to see him still fluently cursing under his breath at whatever he was looking at. Clarissa realized it was probably none of her business, but she had always been insatiably curious and found herself asking without thinking. "What's the problem?"

He glared over at her, causing her to pause, but he quickly sighed, and the glare disappeared. "I suppose it won't hurt for you to know. It does involve you after all. Come read this. It is an article posted this morning by one of my fan clubs."

That had Clarissa even more curious. If it involved her she could well guess what it was about. She wasn't disappointed when she circled the desk to read the article. Genesis had stood and allowed her to take his seat while he continued to read over her shoulder. It was an article by the group Red Leather.

Attention all members! It looks like we may have the biggest scoop we have ever revealed for you this morning. On top of that, it is two scoops in one.

Last night our dear Crimson Commander was seen comforting a lady we have never seen him with. While this normally may cause us to wonder if we are all finally out of luck, I know you are all thinking it shouldn't be considered a scoop. After all, our dear Commander is a lady's man still, and don't we love him the more for it.

I digress though, what really makes this interaction notable was the lady in question. We have it from reliable sources that she could very well be related to the Silver General. She sported the same long silver hair and green eyes of the head of the Shinra Armed Forces. Has Shinra been hiding her from us for years? I have asked the Silver Elite for further information, but they have yet to respond.

All we know for certain is there is now a mystery lady that holds company with our beloved Commander. If this will bring the Firsts together or tear them apart remains to be seen, so everyone, keep your eyes open. We will be posting updates as soon as other information becomes available.

Clarissa had to read it twice to make sure she hadn't imagined it. When she was finished she started laughing so hard she nearly fell out of her chair. She finally calmed when she heard a grumble from the red head in question. She couldn't stop the grin as she looked back at him. When he glared at her she only broke out into peals of laughter again, but this time managed to step away from his desk, so he could retake his seat. Clarissa knew she probably shouldn't have found the article as funny as she did, but the ridiculousness of the assumptions after her nerves had been so wrecked, caused her to bust up at the absurdity of it.

Once she finally calmed she sat up straighter and looked back at the scowling red head. "I apologize Genesis. I'm sure that probably shouldn't have been that funny to me but I needed that laugh."

Genesis' gaze softened at her words. "My friend, the fates are cruel. There are no dreams, no honor remains. I was careless yesterday and it seems I will pay the price. I will need to remember this lesson if we have need to remove you from the building again."

Clarissa sobered at his words. "How long will I be kept here, in the building?"

Genesis only looked at her contemplatively for a few moments before responding. "Do you have another place within Midgar you are wanting to go back to?"

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