Chapter 62

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The trip back to headquarters was quieter than it had been on the way to the slums. All three people had a lot on their minds, although none of their thoughts were shared. As much as Clarissa tried to push her worry aside, she couldn't help but think of the fact that something bad was going to happen. The knot in her stomach at the thoughts of what it might be kept her tense.

Tseng barely said anything to the two of them as he left them once they reached the building. She had no idea if what he had found would convince the pragmatic Turk, but she hoped they would at least give a little more thought to her words now. Once Tseng left them, Genesis turned her back toward the apartments, but Clarissa stopped when a ringing started in her pocket. She had forgotten that Lazard had given her a phone, so she took it out and looked at it warily before answering it. "Hello?"

She was surprised to hear Sephiroth on the other end. "If you are back in the building, I need to speak with you. Please come to my office."

She had a sneaky suspicion he already knew she was back. The timing was too convenient otherwise, but she didn't speak that thought when she answered. "Yes sir. I'll be right there."

When she hung up Genesis gave her a questioning look. She tried not to show how nervous she was. "That was Sephiroth. He needs to speak with me. I know we still have a lot to talk about, but I'll find you later."

Genesis didn't bother hiding his scowl. "You will not be facing him alone."

She smiled at his protectiveness. She wondered briefly if it would get better. She understood however, that a lot of it probably stemmed from the fact that he had already allowed her to get hurt more than once. She hoped he could let go of his guilt, as he couldn't hide it behind his anger forever and he was going to have to if he was to move forward. She placed a hand on his arm before speaking. "I'll be fine. Sephiroth is not going to hurt me."

His scowl only deepened. "I am not entirely convinced that he will not, as I did have to save you from his sword once already today, but that isn't-" He quickly closed his mouth to stop from saying anymore.

She gave him a confused look before it dawned on her what he was probably going to say. She shook her head at him. "You know I have no reason not to trust him, and neither should you, for any reason. He wouldn't do anything to hurt you either."

Genesis' eyes narrowed at her words, but he kept his silence until he was sure his words wouldn't be too caustic. "I have my own reasons to doubt that, so forgive me for not sharing in your confidence. I do believe it was you that said he was the one to nearly destroy the world. Do not expect me to allow you to be in his presence without me."

She shook her head at his obstinance. She already regretted sharing that piece of information, as it was likely to cause a rift between them if she couldn't find a way to fix it. She took his hand again anyway. "Fine, you can walk me over and see for yourself that he isn't angry enough to hurt me." She hoped that Sephiroth would understand.

He looked like he had something else to add, but he kept it to himself while they walked to the offices. When they finally arrived, Sephiroth raised a brow at the sight of Genesis, but it cleared quickly. He motioned for them both to take a seat. "I hadn't thought of you being present for this Genesis, but maybe it will be better that you are. After thinking about everything that was said, we may find that solidarity is more important now than it ever has been before."

Clarissa noted that Sephiroth's words caused Genesis to look slightly uncomfortable. She hoped that meant he was beginning to understand that Sephiroth was more than his rival. Once they were both seated Sephiroth turned to her. "I am still uncertain if everything you said is truth, but there are a few things I have recently discovered that make me want to hear you out. Before we get started on that... there is something I would like to discuss with you first."

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