Chapter 44

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When she had worked with Genesis to set up a schedule, he decided that to help expedite her punishment, it would be best to have her volunteer somehow within the building. He had initially suggested that she act as a secretary and general gopher to the Firsts. Since she had no idea what it really involved, she initially agreed. After several weeks of pretty much finishing all of Genesis' paperwork that wasn't classified, she knew she had to find something else. She could well understand why it was difficult for them to keep a secretary, and not just because of Genesis being lazy, but she was already spending all her afternoons with either Genesis or Sephiroth. Having to run errands for them during the day as well was too much.

When she approached Genesis about a change, she tried to be polite and explain that she was not the most organized person either, so it wouldn't make sense for her to continue. She could tell he was not pleased with her request, but he finally relented and looked to see what else was available. To Clarissa's delight, the company day care was asking for help. That was how she found herself looking after children during the mornings.

Over the next several weeks she found her schedule was hectic and some days she had to adapt a completely different mind set to face her afternoon training sessions but being with the children in the mornings was worth it. There was one young girl in particular that reminded her of what her own daughter had looked like when she had been a child. When she first saw the girl, it took all her willpower not to break down in front of the woman that was guiding her through the facility. She already had an uphill battle with the rest of the crew since she was in Soldier. She didn't want to give them another reason to be wary of her. They had heard of her and initially had no problem expressing their doubt that a warrior could take care of children. When they relented, they insisted that she not wear her uniform around the children. That was a concession she had no problem following.

Over the weeks that she was there to help, the other staff members came to accept her. She was particularly good with the children that were almost ready for school. That was the group that included Poppy, the young girl that reminded her of her own daughter. The girl had been quiet and withdrawn at first, but Clarissa took the time to talk to her, telling her all sorts of funny stories. Eventually Poppy opened up to her a little. She still seemed sad most days, but she didn't ignore everyone anymore.

It was during one of these morning classes that Poppy finally decided to start asking questions. Clarissa was thrilled that she was opening up and took the time to sit down with her. "You asked if I could talk, what did you want to talk about?"

The girl sat beside her silently for a few minutes, looking over her face and hair before finally speaking. "Are you in Soldier, like the big silver man?"

Clarissa couldn't hold in her smile at the apt description of Sephiroth. "Yes, I am, although I'm not sure if anyone in Soldier is quite like him."

"Does that mean you're going to be died too?"

Clarissa felt her heart break at the simple question. She had never been able to find out why the girl was always so sad, but she now had a good idea. "Well, I can tell you that I will do everything I can not to."

"Daddy said the same thing, but Mommy said he can't ever come home. I heard her tell someone he died. Does died mean you're gone forever?"

As much as Clarissa fought to keep them in, she couldn't stop the tears that escaped. She wrapped her arms around the little girl to keep her from seeing them. "Not forever sweetie, it may take a long time before you can see them again, but no one disappears forever."

The girls voice was muffled when she spoke again. "Like a year? A year is a really long time."

Clarissa wiped at her eyes before pulling back and trying to smile. "I think it'll be longer than a year, but you know, as long as you remember your daddy, he won't ever be far away, even if you can't see him."

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