Chapter 55

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After Clarissa felt she was ready to face Genesis without wanting to crawl back into his lap, she spoke. "You said we needed to talk. There are many things that we should probably talk about, so what did you want to start with?"

His gaze finally turned serious at her words. He didn't respond right away, instead he stood and held out a hand. "Come with me." She raised a brow at his actions. He didn't give her a chance to respond before speaking again. "Please."

She didn't bother hiding her surprise at his plea, but she stood and took his hand anyway. He didn't take them far. He led her to the couch and pulled her down next to him before pulling her against his side. She turned to him curiously.

He brushed her hair behind her ear before brushing his knuckles across her cheek. "I would like to start with an apology. I didn't realize you were a virgin, and I acted inappropriately. I hurt you unintentionally."

At his apology Clarissa felt her face flush. "About that... I didn't realize it either, so don't blame yourself."

Confusion crossed his features as he tried to assimilate what she had said. "How could you not have known?" She sighed and tried to pull away, but his grip tightened. His other hand gripped her chin lightly and turned her back to face him. "We are passed the point of hiding. You were the one that insisted that I not hide my problems, extend me the same courtesy."

She gave him a half smile. It was just like him to use her own words against her. She sighed again as her face fell. She was not looking forward to this. She admitted to herself that she was afraid he would pull away, but he deserved to know the whole truth. "Let me start by telling you that I have never lied to you. There are some things I haven't said though."

She watched as his gaze hardened slightly, but he didn't pull away. She sent up a quick prayer for strength before continuing. "I'll start with why I wasn't expecting... that outcome. I really was pulled here by Minerva. The thing is, I am not from Gaia. I am originally from a parallel universe to the Gaia you know, that is why you thought I was Clarise. She was my parallel here. In my earth, it was the year 2018. I... I was told I died and Minerva pulled my spirit over. She had to form a body for me, which is why I have the weird hair. The mako in my system was left over after she formed me."

She paused at that. It took a great strength of will to look up to his face. She was surprised that it only showed contemplation. When he finally spoke, she realized things were going to only get more complicated from this point out. "If you really are from the future of a parallel world, why would you be brought back in time? Why not someone from this time, or from this world?"

She laughed nervously before responding. "I'm not sure why I was the one chosen. I was never given a good reason. As far as the future thing... well..." She really didn't want to tell him, but she gave herself a mental push. She knew there was no way she could back out now. "The whole world came close to being destroyed. To keep that from happening again, she pulled me back."

"Are you saying I will destroy the world?" She had to fight her tears at the sight of his scowl. He hadn't released her, but his grip had slackened.

She shook her head as she tried to find her voice again. "No, that was... it was Sephiroth."

At that he finally did pull back with a jerk. His voice was clipped when he spoke. "Are you telling me that the Great General will attempt, and nearly succeed, in destroying the whole planet? And somehow, you are the one that was sent to stop him?"

"Not stop him, save him. There is much more to this." She paused and finally decided that she needed to go ahead and give him the means to believe her. If she couldn't, it was likely that he would pull further away than he had been. "Genesis, I can prove to you that I am telling the truth."

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