Chapter 36

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The day after their return, Genesis allowed Clarissa to have a half day off. She had been so busy with training that with the extra time, she had no clue what to do with herself. She trained with Genesis that morning but after lunch she wandered through the training hall aimlessly. She had just decided that she would find something to read when she was intercepted by a bubbly Zack. "Lissa! I heard about your skirmish yesterday. That was awesome! You have to let me take you out to celebrate."

She laughed at his enthusiasm. "I can't. You do realize I still have a week to go before I can even see if I make it. Why don't we put that on a raincheck and if I make Soldier, we can go somewhere?"

He gave her his best impression of a kicked puppy when she denied his request, but it didn't last long. He perked right back up again when she told him they could go when she passed. "Alright! I know you'll pass so I'll start making plans right now! I'll show you my favorite restaurant and then we can go to that club down a few blocks from here. It'll be awesome!"

She laughed again at his boundless energy. "That all sounds great. Since it'll be a celebration, will you invite Cissnei and Reno as well? Maybe a few others?"

"That's a great idea! The more the merrier, and I'm sure they would want to help you celebrate. We might even be able to convince Angeal to go, that would be a blast." He had already started pacing back and forth in front of her while mumbling his plans under his breath.

She finally had to stop him. "Zack, why don't you put it all together and let me know, but only after I graduate. It would be pointless otherwise, ok?"

When he stopped he gave her a pat on the shoulder. "You have nothing to worry about. I know you've got this. Look forward to fun!" He gave her another pat before taking off, presumably to start setting up her graduation party. "See ya!"

She shook her head at his retreating form. It took her a moment to remember she had been looking for a book. She decided that since she had a day off, she would treat it like one and read something other than tactics for once. She loved to read and hadn't had any time to read anything other than study materials since she got to Gaia. With that thought in mind she headed to Genesis' office. There was likely a library of some sort nearby, but she had no clue where, if it was even somewhere she would be allowed to go yet. She did know that Genesis kept several things that would work though, and she was fairly certain he wouldn't mind her borrowing one for the afternoon.

She had just raised her hand to knock on his office door, when he emerged from an office two doors down, followed by Sephiroth. She turned to them when they stopped next to her. Genesis quirked a brow at her before speaking. "To what do I owe this pleasure on your day off? Have you not gotten enough of my company already?"

She knew he was only being snarky, but she couldn't stop the slight heat that rose in her face. The fact of the matter was, she did find his company pleasant, unless he was holding a sword. During those times he was a merciless taskmaster that seemed to take pleasure in teaching her the hard way. She realized she had been standing there and hadn't responded yet when Sephiroth spoke up. "Cadet Williamson are you well?"

She jumped at his comment. "Ah, I apologize. I don't mean to hold you up if you have things to be doing. I just stopped by to see if I could borrow something to read." When Genesis frowned at her slightly she clarified. "Something to read for pleasure, not learning. Your personal library is the only one that I know of that I have access to currently. I had hoped to ask you if it would be alright for me to borrow a book."

At her request, his face transformed into a smile. "Of course, it would be my pleasure to expand your horizons. There is also a small library on the second floor, but I'm sure mine is of higher quality." With that he turned to Sephiroth. "If you would give me a moment please, this shouldn't take long." Sephiroth gave him a nod in response.

He opened the office door with a gesture for her to proceed. "Was there something in particular you were looking for?"

She shook her head at his request but paused before answering. "Actually, I hadn't given it much thought, but since you ask... would you happen to have a spare copy of Loveless? I have read the poem of course, but I have never read the play and I would like to find out more about the details."

Clarissa hadn't thought it was possible for Genesis to smile as wide as he was at the moment, but whatever he had been about to say was interrupted by a groan from the doorway. They both turned to see Sephiroth with a hand on his forehead. "Genesis, what have you done. I swear if I hear her quoting Loveless, you will be the one I come after."

Clarissa had to slap a hand over her own mouth to stifle the laughter that bubbled up. Genesis didn't bother. "My friend, the fates are cruel. There are no dreams, no honor remains. It would do you good to have another learned Soldier in your ranks."

Sephiroth shot them both a glare. "I will meet you by the elevator. Don't take long."

As soon as the door was closed, Clarissa finally allowed the laughter to break free. She did her best to get it under control quickly. "I apologize, I didn't realize it would cause problems. If it makes you feel any better, I promise not to quote it, at least not in front of the General."

He waved off her apology. "Do not let anyone restrain your quest for knowledge. There are few enough that seek it in the first place." He turned to the bookshelf at that and pulled out a black leather-bound book with a red ribbon attached to the spine. "You can borrow this copy. Keep it for as long as you like."

"Thank you!" She ran her fingers over the soft cover before looking back to him with a smile. "I'll make sure to treat it with the respect it deserves." With the book in hand she turned back to her dorm, waving a goodbye to Genesis as he moved to meet Sephiroth.


The next week was filled with various tests. Some were academic, but most were physical. There were many nights that the lights did not go off in the dorms until much later than normal. The remaining cadets were all focused on the goal of getting into Soldier. Because of this, the afternoons Clarissa normally spent training with Genesis were now filled with reviews. He had her go over every technique he had taught her until he was satisfied that she had them down. There were several days that she barely made curfew.

When Friday finally arrived, the remaining cadets all reported to the awards hall at noon. They had already been instructed in the conduct required so when they all filed in, it was in neat rows. Each cadet stood at attention facing the front of the room. There was a small raised dais with several chairs, each was occupied already. Clarissa recognized all of them, even if she had not yet met some of them. The three firsts were there, as was Director Lazard. There were a couple of others as well, including their instructors.

Once everyone was lined up, Lazard stepped up to the podium. His speech was short, thankfully as most of the cadets were already nervous. The longer they had to stand there, the worse it got. It didn't improve when Sephiroth stood and said a few words of his own in welcome to those that would be joining the ranks of Soldier. At that point Lazard stood again and started calling out each cadet by name, having them come to the front to receive their rank. After the first two, Clarissa realized they were short two people. It looked like at least two more of her squad mates did not make the cut.

Her attention was drawn back to the front at the next name, "Rodney Durmad." It did not surprise her in the least that when he was given his insignia and rank he made Second.

The rest of the awards went quickly until it was her name called. When she reached the stage, she wondered at the look Lazard gave her, but didn't have long to think on it. When she was handed the insignia for Second Class, all other thoughts fled. It took her a moment to finally respond. She shook his hand in a daze before walking automatically back to her place in line. She barely registered the murmured congratulations when she faced the front again.

The next name served to pull her out of her internal conflict, "Dean Withum." She smiled when he was handed his third-class insignia. He was still grinning when he got back in line. When he was almost back to his spot next to her, she gave him a grin before mouthing 'congratulations!'

Dean had been the last cadet, so once everyone had their rank, they were all dismissed. They were instructed that they would be receiving their first set of orders on Monday, so they were released for the weekend. Everyone was relatively quiet until they reached the dorms. The cries of excitement could be heard down several hallways.

edit 11/17/2019

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