Chapter 68

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Clarissa was woken sometime in the early hours of the morning when Shelke moved out of her arms. She started to sit up to find out what the problem was, but she relaxed with a smile as the girl only moved to try and lie down next to Sephiroth. The General opened his eyes in surprise and Clarissa almost thought to get involved, but it didn't take him long to lift his arm for her to crawl under. He mimicked the way Clarissa had been holding the girl and it wasn't long before she drifted off again.

He smiled down at her before he looked across and saw Clarissa still watching. His smile warmed as she gave him a nod. Once she was sure Shelke was settled again she turned to face Genesis and curled into his warmth. It wasn't long before she was back to sleep as well.


The sun was barely risen when they were all awoken by several phones ringing all at once. Despite the fact that Shelke was still curled up next to him, Sephiroth was the first one to get up and answer his phone. They could all hear him clearly as he spoke to whoever was on the other line. "Sephiroth speaking... what manner of emergency?... Both Hojo and Hollander are gone?... I see... I will contact Director Veld and set up a joint investigation." He hung up to find Angeal still on the phone with an excited Zack.

All eyes turned to Sephiroth as he finally spoke. "Hojo's disappearance has been discovered, but Hollander is gone as well. There was nothing left in either lab. I do remember Hojo stating that Hollander had left the day before. That is something that will need to be addressed quickly."

By this point Shelke had gotten up and was clutching one of the blankets close to her. Clarissa could tell she was worried by Sephiroth's tone if nothing else. She scooted so that she was in the girl's field of vision before trying to reach out to her. "Hey, you know it isn't anything for you to worry about, right? Let the General worry about that kind of stuff. For now, how would you like to help me cook breakfast for everyone?"

Shelke still looked nervous, but she allowed Clarissa to take her hand as they both stood. They had barely made it to the kitchen doorway when Clarissa's phone rang as well. She looked at it oddly, since most of the people she thought had the number were here in the room with her. She still took it out and tentatively answered it. "Hello." Her brows rose at the voice on the other end. "Oh, Director! What can I help you with this morning?... Umm, well, you see..."

She wasn't given a chance to try and answer whatever question he had asked before Sephiroth took the phone from her hands. "Sir... Yes, I am currently with Soldier Williamson... No sir, I have confined her to her quarters and will not allow her to leave under any circumstances... Yes sir, I am aware that your orders should be followed, but these are special circumstances. I would like to request that you come here. There are several things we need to discuss... Yes sir, oh and by the way, we are in Genesis' apartment, not Clarissa's." He smirked at whatever Lazard had said as he hung up.

He handed the phone back to her. "He wanted to know if you had anything to do with Hojo's disappearance. I suppose that could be inferred after what you told him. For now, we will cooperate with the Turks in an investigation. It looks as if they cleaned out the labs anyway."

She gave him a nod as she put her phone away. She started to head back into the kitchen before she paused and spoke before she thought better of it. "What did he say when you told him I was here?"

Sephiroth smirked again before he answered. "He asked me if there was any difference between your apartment and Genesis'."

She blushed and turned to see a freshened-up Genesis standing close by with a smirk of his own. Her face blazed even more as she tried to formulate a response. "I guess I should have realized he would know."

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