Chapter 71

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She stopped and eyed him a bit nervously. When Genesis stopped as well, she was thankful. She wasn't sure what Veld would do after the conversation they just had. When Veld saw him, he scowled for a moment, but finally turned to take his seat. Once everyone else was gone, he indicated they should take the seats in front of his desk. He turned to Clarissa and she finally noticed there was a tenseness that he had had ever since her first meeting with him that was gone now. If she was surprised by that fact, his next words blew her away. "I wanted to thank you. I was able to finally find Felicia. We still don't know how to handle her issue, but we at least have a chance now."

He rubbed a hand down his face before looking to Genesis and then back at her. "I want to go get Vincent as well. I would like to leave tomorrow, and I am going to ask that you accompany me."

Genesis looked like he wanted to say something, but she put a hand on his arm. "If you are going then I think it would be a good idea that I go too. I don't have any other current assignments, so it shouldn't be a problem."

He gave her a nod, but Genesis had to speak as well. "I will not allow you to go anywhere with just the Turks. They have already proven that they don't trust you."

Veld gave him an appraising look. "I will say that I cannot accept where she says she comes from, but the rest is up for debate. I will at least say that I don't distrust her."

She laughed at his words. "I suppose that's something coming from a Turk."

Genesis still didn't look convinced. "I am also assuming this will not be an easy mission-"

Clarissa stopped him before he could get worked up any further. "Genesis, it shouldn't be problematic." She paused and looked to Veld. "Do you mind if we speak alone for a moment?"

At his nod she stood and walked to the other side of the room. Genesis followed with a frown, but she kept her voice low enough, so Veld wouldn't be able to hear. "Genesis, I promise this mission will not be dangerous for me. Please think of this like my commanding officer and not my lover. I don't want to be separated either, but I know you will be needed here in the coming days."

He looked like he had swallowed something bitter, but he finally moved to close her in a crushing embrace. "I swear to Minerva if you get a single scratch there will be hell to pay, and you will not be exempt."

She laughed at his words, even though she knew he wasn't really joking. When he finally released her she leaned up and gave him a quick kiss. "I'll be in the room shortly. Let me get this finished."

He still didn't look entirely convinced, but he finally moved to give her a kiss hot enough to make her dizzy before he released her and walked out. She watched him walk out in a daze. It was a few moments later that she was brought back to the present by Veld's laughter. She turned to see him giving her a smirk. "I'm not really sure which one of you has it worse."

She felt her face heat up, but she still managed a scowl. "This conversation wasn't about my personal life. You said you wanted to make plans to go get Vincent, right?"

He was still laughing when she sat down. He managed to get it under control before he spoke again. "You said it wouldn't be easy to get him. Is he being held prisoner?"

His question served to sober her. She shook her head. "Not exactly. He has locked himself up out of a sense of guilt over what happened to Lucrecia and Sephiroth. He is also... not the same anymore. I think part of why he has gone into hiding is because he fears himself. He will need to be convinced to leave."

Veld looked thoughtful at her words. "Should he be disturbed at all?"

She had to fight a scowl. "Absolutely. It isn't as if he isn't strong enough to handle it. Plus, he doesn't deserve to rot down there because someone else did something to him."

Veld raised a brow at her outburst. "You seem to be taking it personally. What connection do you have with him?"

She shook her head. "No more than I have with you. I just know what happened and I think he's still getting screwed. He deserves better."

He finally nodded. "Fine. Where will we need to go and how long will we be gone?"

"He is in Nibelheim. I think it should take about a week to get there and another to get back, but I don't know how long it will take to get him to agree to leave."

He looked thoughtful for a moment. "I will plan on three weeks. I already have a team ready to go. We will leave at 06:00. I will also let Lazard know you will be leaving."

She stood and gave him a nod. "I'll see you in the morning then." As she walked back to the Soldier floor the only thing she could focus on was how she was thankful that Genesis had not insisted any more than he did. With all the changes that had already been made, she wouldn't put it passed Jenova to notice and take drastic measures. She realized she needed to convince them all to head to Banora soon. They would need to face Jenova and destroy her, but not until she was sure the three Firsts were protected fully from the Calamity's control.

All thoughts were driven from her mind when she opened the apartment door. None of the lights were on, but there were candles on nearly every flat surface. She didn't even know Genesis owned that many. She finally found him leaning against the wall in the hallway entrance. He was only dressed in a towel and a smirk. Her breath caught at how glorious he looked.

He finally stood and held out his hand. She took it and he pulled her in for a searing kiss. She was breathless when he finally let her go. She looked up into his wonderful eyes as his nimble fingers started undoing the buckles over her shirt. He noticed her expression and kissed her again. "We are finally alone again, and you are leaving me in the morning. I plan on making sure you cannot forget who you belong to."

She briefly thought about correcting his possessive attitude, but his hot lips had already started a trail down her collar bone. He managed to divest her of the rest of her clothes while she was distracted. Once they were both in nothing but their skin, he picked her up and took her into the bathroom. He managed to get the water started without breaking their kiss.

Once they got in the shower, neither of them were really interested in cleaning up, though they did try. It ended up that hands used for cleaning each other quickly became caresses. Clarissa was so lost to the feel of Genesis against her that she barely noticed and didn't care when he lifted her and pinned her against the shower wall. When they came together she forgot everything except the feel of him.

They finally managed to finish their shower once the water started cooling. It was cold by the time they stepped out. Genesis quickly grabbed a towel and helped her dry off. She smiled at him and moved to do the same once he allowed her to move again.

Once they were dry enough to stop the goosebumps, he picked her up again. He carried her into their bedroom where there were nearly as many candles as there had been in the living room. He laid her down gently. He spent the next several hours making sure she forgot everything except his name. That, she cried out many times before they both collapsed with exhaustion.

Clarissa had already fallen asleep and Genesis was nearly there as well, but he managed to kiss the top of her head. His expression was pained but still held affection as he looked down at her. He kissed her again before he whispered. "Come back to me whole Starlight. I don't know what I would do if you didn't." She snuggled closer to him at his words. He smiled at her sleeping form before pulling her closer and finally drifting into sleep.

edit 11/21/2019

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