Chapter 8

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Clarissa sat up with a start. Her disorientation lasted only as long as it took her eyes to find Genesis in a chair by the far wall. Everything that she had just found out along with Minerva's warning instantly scrambled her thoughts. Genesis hadn't moved when she sat up, so she thought he might not have noticed, since his head was buried in a book. That thought was disproven when he started speaking without looking up. "Infinite in mystery is the gift of the goddess. We seek it thus and take to the sky. Ripples form on the water's surface, the wandering soul knows no rest."

Clarissa could hardly believe what she was hearing. The urge to laugh uncontrollably hit her but she managed to hold it in. Instead she looked him straight in the eyes when his head lifted before responding without giving it much thought. "Loveless, Act 1."

When his eyebrows rose and his gaze on her intensified she realized it might have been better for her to keep her mouth shut. A mild panic ensued when she realized she had no idea what to tell him. It was certain that he would have questions but there was no way she could explain that she was from an entirely different world. It was hard enough for her to even admit to herself that she was here in the first place.

When he stood and walked over to her she could feel her heart beating hard in her chest. When she thought about the way she had talked to all the Firsts, she was surprised she was still able to walk and not in some creepy dungeon, or worse in one of Hojo's cells. The thought of being sent to Hojo made her blanch.

Genesis had not even made it to her bedside when he saw her face lose all color. He stopped a few feet away, making sure she understood he wasn't trying to threaten her. "It isn't often I find a fellow Loveless enthusiast."

Clarissa looked back up at him. She noticed he stopped several feet away and was thankful that he was at least willing to give her space. Maybe that meant they weren't ready to jump right into torture. She had to forcefully hold back another batch of manic laughter when she remembered how she had so confidently declared they wouldn't torture her. If she had only realized how wrong she was. Torture, or worse, was a definite possibility if she couldn't convince them that she wasn't a threat.

She realized he was looking intently at her face but not speaking. When it hit her that he was waiting for a response she had to open her mouth several times before she managed to speak. "Uh, yeah, I... uh... I know someone that quotes it a lot."

She realized what a mistake it was to admit that when she watched his brow rise and the glint of interest in his eyes. "So, it isn't you that enjoys the arts, but a friend of yours?"

She quickly waved her hands in front of her face to refute his assumptions. "No, not really a friend. I just happen to be around him a lot and he quotes it all the time. I don't even really know him."

She could tell he didn't believe her and she had to kick herself when he spoke again. "This man you hear quoting Loveless. He wouldn't happen to be in Soldier?"

Clarissa felt her face flush slightly even though she tried to keep it from happening. It only brightened further when he continued. "Honestly, I am a little confounded by that fact. I am positive I would have noticed you if you spent any time near Soldiers."

She didn't think too deeply about what he had said as she was trying to come up with a plausible reason for her to know Loveless. She already knew she couldn't admit to the unbelievable truth. Her frantic mind finally provided her with an excuse. She didn't like it, as it would mean a hard hit to her pride, but it was better than her other current options. "I... I haven't really. I have seen videos of Soldiers though. I saw a video of one quoting it and... I had to find out more."

At her admission Genesis gave her a bright smile. She almost rolled her eyes but kept herself in check. "So, you are one of my fans."

She didn't bother holding back the bright blush that invaded her cheeks this time. She gave a little nod before responding. "Yeah a little." She tried to force her face back to normal before continuing. "I need to apologize for earlier. Honestly, I didn't realize you were... well... you. I'm not from anywhere around here so finding myself here is... it's scary actually." She didn't have a problem admitting that last part. It was the truth.

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