Chapter 53

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Once they made it out of the door, Clarissa was ready to explode. She tried to pull her hand from his grip, but he only held on tighter. It looked like he was going to lead her back to the elevators, but he suddenly stopped and turned to her. The yell she was about to aim at him died as she suddenly found herself pushed against the wall. The hand that he had been holding was pinned by her side.

She didn't have a chance to recover from her shock when his other hand came up to tangle in her hair. He stopped a hairsbreadth away from her face. His eyes roved over her face before coming back to hers. The fire she saw in them suddenly had her wondering if the heat she felt was from Genesis or from herself. She barely heard him when he whispered. "You are mine."

As soon as the words were out his lips crashed down onto hers. She was so stunned that she didn't react at first. When he bit her bottom lip, she stopped trying to think. She opened her mouth and found herself responding in kind. When she let her free hand reach up to splay across his chest, he let her other hand go to grip her waist and pull her closer.

She forgot that she had been angry with him, that he had been with a date, and that he had been so cold to her for so long now. She forgot everything but the moment. It wasn't until his hand slid down her hip to grip her bottom and pull her hard against him that she even remembered where they were. She managed to pull back and tried to speak between panting breaths. "Genesis, dear god, Genesis, stop."

At the last word he finally lifted his head from where he had been planting kisses across her collarbone. The look he gave her was wild and almost managed to pull her under a wave of desire again. She barely managed to keep her senses afloat. "We can't stay here."

He stood a little straighter at her words but didn't pull back or move his hands. His face was still right in front of hers. "And why not? I find that I am disinclined to move at all."

She rolled her eyes at his nonchalance. "Because there is an entire room of people on the other side of this wall and any one of them could come out here at any time."

"And? I don't care about their opinions."

"I don't blame you, but even if you don't care, I do. At least to the point that I would rather not have to explain this being on the front page of the Shinra Times tomorrow."

He finally relented at her argument. He stepped back, but before she could move he swept her up into his arms. She squealed at the sudden movement. "You don't have to carry me!"

"I am aware." He didn't move to put her down though. Instead he lowered his head slightly. She shuddered when she felt his breath on her ear. "I don't want to let you go." Her body stiffened slightly when she felt a sharp nip on her earlobe. She nearly melted into him afterwards when his tongue lightly traveled over the shell of her ear.

She couldn't stop the moan that came out when he did it again. He paused before she felt his breath tickle her ear again. "It would be wise to watch the noises you make. It is already difficult for me to not stop right here." At his words she buried her head in his neck and resisted the urge to start kissing him there.

By the time they made it to his door Clarissa was already ready to burst. Although she had managed to keep from planting kisses all over every inch of him she could reach, he had not extended the same courtesy. She wasn't sure how he had managed to not walk into a wall as often as he dipped his head to plant feather light kisses along her jaw and down her neck. He finally put her down as he had to get his key out.

The door was barely opened before he pulled her in behind him and had her pinned to the back of the closed door. She thought she might combust with the heat of his kisses. She moaned into his mouth when his hands traveled down and gripped her tighter to him. She could feel his arousal pressed against her stomach.

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