Chapter 63

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Clarissa paused at that point. Both men wore looks that ranged from sickened to enraged. She felt much the same. She had known since she arrived that these events were what she was working to avoid but knowing that and associating it with these men that she had come to care about were two different things. These men weren't madmen, they were her friends and lover in the case of Genesis. She wished she didn't have to tell them such bitter things.

She barely noticed her tears as she watched them both struggle to get themselves under control. It was Sephiroth that finally managed to speak first. "I have a hard time accepting that any of us would treat the others in such a fashion. I would never not help either Genesis or Angeal."

She nodded while she tried to clear her throat to speak again. "I know you wouldn't, but you were hurt. You didn't know why they had defected and you felt abandoned. You all felt isolated and desperate. It was those feelings that allowed Jenova in."

Genesis finally stilled at those words. His expression was the most open she had ever seen it. "My friend, the fates are cruel. There are no dreams, no honor remains. I have been desperate, and I have felt isolated. It was only a headstrong Soldier that prevented me from leaving without a word to any of you." He paused and looked at both Sephiroth and Clarissa before continuing. "I owe you all an apology. It was far too easy for me to forget that I have people I can consider friends."

At Genesis' words, Clarissa watched in surprise as Sephiroth relaxed slightly. He looked like he wanted to say something, but he gave a small shake of his head before speaking. "That is something it would do us all well to remember, especially in the coming days if this tale is any indicator."

After those words he turned to Clarissa. "This has been unpleasant, but it does not explain the near destruction of the world. If these events did happen, they would not justify the planet stepping in. What have you left out?"

Her eyes narrowed slightly at his tone of voice, but she managed to answer. "I didn't leave anything out, but I wasn't finished. That was only the beginning. There is more, much more."

His eyebrow rose at her words, but he only motioned for her to continue. She noted Genesis had come closer again as well. Even though he still looked angry, she was happy to see that he wasn't turning away from her. It gave her the boost she needed to speak. "After you were thrown into the lifestream, Hojo came in and took all the inhabitants of Nibelheim for experiments, including Zack and Cloud. Shinra had the town rebuilt as if nothing had happened and Hojo kept those two for four years, until Zack was able to escape and took Cloud with him."

Genesis paused her at that point. "Who is Cloud?"

She barely managed to bite back a curse at his question. Even though Cloud was central to the story, he wasn't even in Midgar yet, or if he was, he had just arrived. She had already mentioned him though, so she would just have to take care. It wouldn't hurt for him to meet Zack, but before Hojo, he was still shy. She could only imagine what meeting the Firsts would do to him. "Cloud is the infantryman that managed to stop you in Nibelheim."

Sephiroth's expression became contemplative at that. "He survived?"

"Yes, but when Hojo was done with him, he was catatonic for a long time. Both men were listed as escaped experiments and the army was sent after them. Genesis went after them too. They were both infused with your cells, so he thought they could help him. It didn't work out that way. Zack finally defeated Genesis in Banora but he didn't make it long after that. He headed back to Midgar to reunite with his girlfriend and the army caught up with them. He saved Cloud but he faced off against more than a hundred infantrymen. He managed to defeat most of them, but he was shot down in the end."

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