Chapter 19

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When Genesis got to Lazard's office, he didn't bother knocking before entering the room. Lazard looked up in irritation, but it quickly passed. He was far too used to Genesis' antics to be fazed by them anymore. "Did Hojo already contact you as well?" He saw no point in wasting time with trivialities.

Genesis paused at the question, taken by surprise. "Before or after my visit to the labs this morning?"

"After, as he mentioned the woman you brought to him this morning. That is what this is about, correct?"

Genesis was not happy to hear that Hojo had already contacted Lazard and needed to find out what was going on before he mentioned why he came. "This visit is in regard to the woman that I have been observing, however I have not heard from the Science Department since leaving there this morning. What did Hojo want?"

If Lazard heard the tone of disgust at the scientist's name, he didn't mention it. "Hojo sent me a message a short while ago with a portion of footage. He told me that he thinks the young lady might have what it takes to be in Soldier and asked that I put her in the newest class of cadets." Lazard had brought up the footage while speaking. "This is from earlier today, correct?"

Genesis didn't bother biting back a curse as he watched himself nearly tackle Clarissa and her subsequently fighting him off. He should have expected Hojo to pull something like this. He only hoped he had gotten what he needed with this footage and hadn't tapped into the VR room as well. "Yes, I was asked to assess her abilities. As you can see she has no combat training but she's fast and her reflexes are good. I don't think she could be Soldier material in the six weeks that are left for the present class of cadets, but with time it might be possible."

Lazard paused before answering. "This request is not going away just because you say she isn't ready. Hojo didn't say as much but I'm sure this has to do with the fact that she is the first woman we have ever encountered that can handle the amount of mako she has in her system. There was a lot he didn't say but he was positively giddy with the thought of what more she could become."

Genesis' scowl only deepened, prompting Lazard to ask another question. "Why does this bother you so much?"

Given what he had just learned Genesis wasn't sure he could allow what he now knew to go farther than himself. He almost regretted telling Sephiroth already. When he realized that at least part of it would come to light whether he wanted it to or not, especially if Hojo bothered to look at the footage from the VR room as well, he decided to see if he could start with making allies instead of opponents. "There are a few things I need to tell you. I will admit that I am hesitant, but I choose to believe that even though you are the director of Soldier and not a Soldier yourself, you have an inkling of what Soldier honor means." Lazard's brows furrowed but he didn't interrupt. "I will ask that you not tell Hojo about this. If it comes to light it could cause problems for more than just our guest."

At this Lazard raised a questioning look to his most temperamental Commander. He somehow had a feeling this could prove problematic for the Company. That thought didn't bother him, but if it caused problems to his own agenda in the process that was another matter. For now, he decided to listen. It could work out to his advantage. "You will have my silence for now. If this proves to be a problem for our program though I will make no promises."

Genesis didn't like Lazard's answer but knew he could not leave this to chance. "Dreams of the morrow hath the shattered soul. I do not like this situation but for now I have little choice." He got up and started pacing before turning back to Lazard. "I know in my record it states that I have an affinity with materia, which is why I am so exceptional with it. The reason for that is because it speaks to me. It tells me exactly what I need to do to shape a spell to make the most out of it. I have used that over the years to find even more creative ways to use materia."

Genesis paused at this point to see Lazard only looked more interested, a fact that he chose to believe meant he was less likely to turn on him for now, so he continued. "I have found that our guest shares that affinity. From what I have seen, she has the potential to become as good as I am with materia."

Lazard gave him a confused look. "If that is the case, why are you reluctant to have her become a cadet?"

Genesis finally sat again with a small sigh. "Besides the fact that she has no combat capabilities and seems to not want to learn them? She is the only person I have ever found that comes close to having that kind of affinity with materia. We have some that are good, but it doesn't speak to them in the same manner. If Hojo or Hollander were to find out about this then it could become very uncomfortable for both of us. I honestly never thought I would find another that has that innate grasp of how materia should truly work. Even with that being the case it will take some time for her to master her control. The first time she touched one it activated without her conscious thought."

Lazard leaned forward and steepled his fingers, obviously considering the options he had now. "We cannot avoid putting her in Soldier. I am aware that she is still under investigation, so we will limit her activities. I will also ask that you continue to observe her as well as take the time to train her on how to properly handle materia. This will allow us to keep that particular problem as quiet as possible. I will authorize you to take her out of the building for training as long as it doesn't interfere with anything else and you hide her hair." He paused at that and gave Genesis a hard look. "I have already heard about the escapades from yesterday."

Genesis waved off his concern, his mind already filling with possible training routines. As he realized the thoughts that were running through his head he paused. He had told Angeal and Sephiroth that after seeing Zack with Angeal he never wanted to mentor a cadet. He was surprised to find that he was actually looking forward to this though. It was mostly due to the fact that he finally found someone that might be worth teaching, at least as far as materia was concerned. "I will agree, as long as you keep your part of the arrangement. I will do my best to make sure she will pass the exams."

He started to get up to leave, knowing Sephiroth had most likely not been joking when he said he would leave the apartment whether Genesis was back or not. He paused at that thought and turned back to Lazard. "If you put her in with the cadets, she won't be boarding in the dorms, will she?"

Lazard sat back, that wasn't something that he had thought about yet. Having a female in Soldier for the first time was going to cause him many headaches, he could already tell. "I will see if there is a dorm she can use by herself."

Genesis just raised a brow at that. "What about observation? I honestly don't believe she has any ulterior motives, but there are too many questions to leave her on her own yet."

Lazard paused again, this time taking the time to think it over. "It won't be a bad idea to have someone room with her anyway as there is no telling what kind of waves her presence will make." Lazard didn't voice out loud that although he wanted to trust the cadets there was always some hazing. With the newest being female as well, there was no telling what direction that might go. He finally looked back over to Genesis. "I will see if the Turks can spare a female operative, at least during the evening hours."

Genesis frowned at the idea. It wasn't a bad one, but Soldier always seemed to get the shitty end of the stick when it came to favors between departments. "Don't let Veld push for too much."

Lazard laughed at his temperamental Commander. "I'll keep that in mind."

"The wandering soul knows no rest. I will make sure all of her paperwork is submitted tonight so she can start first thing in the morning."

Lazard only shook his head at the retreating form of the poetic warrior before turning to call Veld. He had hidden his grimace at the mention of this plan from Genesis, but he agreed completely with the man's assessment. He couldn't hide it now as the phone was connected to the other Director. "Veld, I have need of your assistance."

edit 11/13/2019

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