Chapter 48

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The next day when it came to light that Genesis was missing, the remaining Firsts had to deal with Clarissa's near panic along with the search for the missing man. Even when they found the log of him taking a vehicle out of the city, it was all they could do to keep Clarissa from trying to leave as well.

The third day he was gone found Clarissa back in Sephiroth's office arguing with the General. "I know you think he can take care of himself, but this is about more than his capabilities. You saw his state of mind. What if he decided to do something stupid. We can't just sit around doing nothing!"

Sephiroth pushed down his own growing worry and irritation to try and reassure her. "We aren't..."

His sentence was cut off when his office door opened without any preamble. He was on his feet instantly when Genesis walked in as nonchalantly as if he had not been gone without permission for days. Genesis' gaze slid over Clarissa as if she wasn't there before he addressed Sephiroth. "I am here to report back to duty. I had an unexpectedly urgent personal matter that I had to attend to. I apologize if it caused any inconvenience. If you need me I will be in my office."

He didn't wait for a response before turning to leave again. It was only Sephiroth's voice that called out in warning that caused him to pause. "Genesis. There will be repercussions for these actions. We can discuss it later."

Genesis waved over his shoulder as he walked out. "You know where to find me." He didn't look at Clarissa once before he walked out and closed the door behind himself.

Once he was gone, Clarissa sank into the chair in front of Sephiroth's desk. She was unaware of anything around her. All she could feel at first was relief that Genesis was not harmed. The fact that he had ignored her completely was secondary to her relief. It wasn't until Sephiroth finally called out to her that the rest of the situation hit her. She blinked several times before looking up at her commanding officer. "He's not hurt."

Sephiroth's gaze softened before he responded. "Yes. I'm glad to see it too. However, isn't it past time for you to be downstairs? Have you been neglecting your duties as well?"

She quickly stood. "I will speak to you later then." Even though her probation had been lifted, she had asked if she could continue to work in the day care until she was deployed. Before she left she turned back. "Thank you. I know I've probably been difficult to deal with. I appreciate your patience."

"There is no need for thanks. Despite popular opinion, I do understand." She gave him a half smile and a nod before leaving. His gaze was worried as he watched her go.


Although Genesis came back, the situation had not improved. If anything, it was worse than before. Where before he had been heated and snappy with everyone, now he was cold. He rebuffed all attempts to talk to him. Not even Angeal could get him to speak.

Despite this, Clarissa still found herself in Sephiroth's office a week later, waiting for Genesis to join them. She was not thrilled with the idea of being in close quarters with him again after his treatment of her, but this had been an official summons. When Genesis finally entered he only greeted Sephiroth. 'You said I have new orders?" Sephiroth gestured to the seats in front of his desk. Clarissa tried not to let the man next to her get under her skin as he continued to ignore her.

Sephiroth looked between them for a moment before addressing Genesis. "We have received information that the Wutai forces have finally fallen back to Fort Tamblin. They are committing their remaining resources to defend the Fort. If we can take it in a decisive victory we should be able to push them to surrender. I would like for you to take a small group of Soldiers to take the Fort. I am assigning Clarissa as your second in command. Once the Fort is secured we will send in the infantry along with another contingent of Soldiers to push them back to the Capital. You are to assist if they need it, otherwise remain on standby until they are ready to surrender. We will send in the negotiators. You will assist them in any way they require."

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