Chapter 89

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The next morning, the meal was quick, but the atmosphere was relaxed and there was easy conversation. When they got up to leave, Genesis' mother moved to give both him and Clarissa a hug again. She held one of each of their hands when she spoke. "I know things will take time, but please come back when you can. I am so glad to see you finally happy with someone."

Clarissa blushed slightly when Genesis answered. "I never expected to find such a gift, but I plan on making our future bright. We will be back as soon as we are able." His mother gave them a bright smile before she squeezed Clarissa's hand and let them go.

Clarissa had noticed that Genesis had been different after their last encounter with Minerva. It wasn't that he had really changed as most of his interactions were the same as normal, but he treated her with a little more care. She hadn't asked him, but now that she had time to think about it, she wondered if he hadn't experienced something like what she had when they were linked with the materia. That might explain his actions and his open affection for her in front of his parents. Whatever the case was, it made her feel warm all over, even if part of it was embarrassment.

Once they thanked his parents and headed out, they were silent as they approached the village. When they got to Angeal's house, both he and Gillian were outside waiting. Gillian reached out for Clarissa and gave her a hug as she spoke. "Angeal told me a little of what happened. You have my thanks as well."

Clarissa blushed slightly as she hadn't been expecting it, but when they parted she gave Gillian a bright smile. "You don't need to thank me. I would never let anything happen to any of these guys if it was in my power to prevent it. I'm just glad it worked."

All three of the Firsts shook their heads at her words, although it was Genesis that spoke. "She does indeed have a propensity to be self-sacrificing. It is a habit I have asked that she try to quit, although I am grateful for what she has done."

Clarissa wanted to walk away from this conversation, but instead she changed the subject. "I'm glad we got to visit, especially as it will probably be a while before we can come back, but when we do, I would like the chance to sit and talk with you."

Gillian gave her another smile. "I would like that too."

Angeal gave her a hug before they turned away and toward the factory. When they made it to the Goddess' cave, the door opened with no issue just like before. When they entered they found the materia behind the statue was glowing lightly, but they didn't see Minerva.

When they were all in the small cave, the door closed behind them. It was at that time that the glow brightened, and green wisps started to fill the room. Clarissa looked around and finally spotted Minerva stepping out of a bank of green in front of the statue. She saw Sephiroth stiffen slightly, but otherwise he didn't show any sign of surprise. She could understand. She knew that he had had doubts before being controlled by Jenova. His doubt was nearly erased afterwards, but knowing Minerva was real and seeing her in person were completely different things.

The Goddess looked over them all with a smile before she turned to Clarissa. "You have done well child. Your goal is accomplished, and you have my thanks. Know that I will always be looking out for you, but there will no longer be a need for me to interfere in your life. You are free to find happiness." At that she paused and looked to Genesis. "Although, I am happy to see you have already started on that path."

At her words Genesis spoke up. "I know your intention was not necessarily for me to be gifted in such a way, but I will forever be grateful. You have blessed me far beyond my dreams."

Minerva shook her head slightly as she answered. "While I am happy to see that your pain has started to ebb, the gift you are speaking of was not mine. The heart of a woman is hers alone to give. If you truly cherish the gift then you would do well to remember that, for it is a special gift indeed."

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