Chapter 20

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Sephiroth wasn't sure if it had been thirty minutes yet or not. Normally he would have been able to tell you how much time it had been exactly, but right now his thoughts were distracted. Finding out something as important as what had just been revealed, about a man that he considered a friend, stung more than he had anticipated. He would never let Genesis know that of course, but he couldn't help but wonder if Angeal knew and had kept it from him as well. To think that the only two people he considered friends didn't trust him enough to open up to him made him wonder if they were as close as he had thought they were. He knew he kept his own feelings close, but they were the only ones to really see him as more than the Silver General. He tried not to let it bother him, as he knew he wasn't much better, but he couldn't seem to let it go.

His thoughts were interrupted by a noise coming from Genesis' bedroom. He looked up in time to see the woman he had been asked to stay for stumble slightly as she opened the door. Her head was in one hand with the other on the wall holding her up as she walked into the living room. He heard a small groan before she spoke. "Dear god, Genesis, please do not ever make me hold a materia again. I still feel like I was hit by a freight... train..." She had finally lifted her head and her voice trailed off as she locked eyes with Sephiroth.

"I wasn't expecting you." She looked away awkwardly. Sephiroth hadn't said anything yet but raised a brow when she straightened her shoulders and turned back to him. "I suppose it's good that you're here though. I have already apologized to Genesis and Angeal and I need to do the same for you. I know I shouldn't have yelled at you, any of you, and I apologize for that. My only defense is that I truly didn't realize you were... you."

Sephiroth was surprised that she hadn't looked away during her apology. Most people tended to be nervous around him, especially females. He could hear her increased heart rate, but she didn't show any other signs of being afraid or uncomfortable. He had to admit that he was a little impressed, especially after her display the day before and what Genesis had already told him. If she was indeed afraid and sorrowful he could not tell. He found himself curious enough to ask. "Genesis tells me that you are afraid and have a deep sorrow, but you mean no harm. Can you give me a reason why I should believe him?"

Clarissa wasn't sure what to expect in response to her apology, but this wasn't it. She found she couldn't respond right away. She was glad that at least Genesis didn't think she was a threat, but also knowing he could see that she was hiding a deeper sorrow made it hard to not think about it. Finally, she clenched her jaw and looked back to the Silver General. "I am sure that if you were thrown into circumstances like this then you would be able to get along swimmingly. Unfortunately, I am not quite that adept. For me, there really wasn't anything that could have possibly prepared me for ending up in Midgar like this." She gestured to her face and hair at that last part.

Sephiroth only raised a brow at her tone. She came across as anything but scared. "You don't sound afraid."

Clarissa only narrowed her eyes slightly. "If you are asking if I'm scared of you personally, you haven't given me a reason to be. That doesn't mean that the circumstances don't bother me. I have no idea what is going to happen and don't really appreciate the fact that I am dependent on other people's perception of me."

Sephiroth was surprised again. It wasn't just that she was cognizant of her situation, but that she was willing to bring it up. "So, you are trying to make sure our perception doesn't include you trying to bring harm to Shinra?"

Clarissa wanted to give him the finger at that point but calmed to where she only shot him a glare. "Yes, actually. You make it sound as if that's a bad thing. Since my only concern at this point is surviving and trying to figure out what the hell is going on, I think that proving that fact first and foremost would go a long way towards that goal."

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