Chapter 57

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Once Lazard was gone complete silence descended. Genesis refused to look at Clarissa. She could feel the tears forming again, but she wiped the first one away violently. She finally stood and faced him directly. "What happened to your promise that you would at least believe I don't want to hurt you! I understood that to mean all hurt. I don't know if you believe me now or not, but at least believe that I love you. That is real. What we shared last night, what happened, was not me trying to use you! I didn't even instigate it, and I will never regret it. Please don't ignore me." Her voice cracked at her last words.

He finally stood so fast that the chair he had been sitting in fell over and grabbed her before she had a chance to move. He leaned so close that his breath washed over her, and his voice was low when he spoke. "You lied to me."

Clarissa didn't get a chance to answer as a deep baritone intruded. "Genesis, stand down."

Genesis stood straight before turning his glare to Sephiroth and Angeal, but he didn't let her go. "This doesn't concern you."

Both Sephiroth and Angeal quickly closed the distance. Angeal turned worried eyes to his best friend. "Your conversation may not, but you are hurting her. That is reason enough for us to get involved."

Genesis pushed her away from him with a scoff. "Don't get too worried. I'm sure it won't be long until you feel the same."

When Clarissa heard his words, she wanted to fall onto her knees and scream at his obstinance. It was only the fact that she knew she was going to be facing worse soon that kept her on her feet. When Sephiroth reached out to put a comforting hand on her shoulder it broke her resolve. She choked back a sob as she pulled away and turned her back on all three of them. She could barely force out her words. "I am not sure how you will react, but I won't ask for you to do anything other than listen. I had... I thought that Genesis would at least stand by me, but if I can't even convince him, I won't hold out hope for much else. All I ask is that you let me finish before you decide to do whatever it is you want to."

She didn't see Genesis reach toward her at her broken words, but he clenched his fist and turned away before he could touch her. Neither noticed the concerned looks from both of the other Firsts. The scene was interrupted by the arrival of Lazard and the two Turks.

The sight of the two Turks had Sephiroth raising a brow. "I didn't realize this was a debrief across departments."

Lazard took in the scene and shook his head. "It isn't. We have all been waiting for Ms. Williamson to show her true colors and it seems that day has finally arrived. She has asked that the six of us gather, as she believes we all have a common goal. I have already spoken with her briefly and will say up front, that her story is unbelievable at best, but it seems as if there is something behind it that needs to be uncovered. If you would all have a seat, we can begin."

Both Veld and Tseng took up positions near Lazard's desk, but they declined the seats. Once the rest of the group was seated, Clarissa moved to the center of the room. She wanted to be able to face them all, especially as the Turks made her more nervous than the rest.

Genesis was the only one that wasn't watching her; a fact that made it even harder for her to try to put her thoughts together in a coherent way. Finally, Veld spoke up after she had glanced his way for the third time. "You seem to be more nervous about us than you are about the Soldiers in the room. Is there any particular reason why?"

She shot him a glare. "Yes actually, given the reactions I have seen so far, I am most wary of the two of you. I at least know that if I piss Sephiroth off he will come at me with the Masamune and I'll have a chance to defend myself, even if I'm not successful. Pissing off a Turk is likely to get me killed in my sleep."

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