Chapter 40

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After Genesis walked back into his apartment, the first thing he did was go and get a cup of water. When Clarissa came out and sat down shakily at the table, he handed it to her. "You'll want to drink that. Sip it at first, but make sure to finish it all. I promise that by the time you're through you'll feel much better."

She tried to smile at his concern, but she still felt sick. She took the water and took a few sips. Once her stomach calmed she was able to speak. "Is it normal for boosters to happen the day after graduation?"

Her stomach knotted up again at his frown. "No, but you are a special case. There has never been another female that could handle the requisite amount of mako required for Soldiers. I'm sure Hojo is just eager to see what other surprises you have in store for us."

She grimaced at his words. "You know, that doesn't really make me feel any better."

He tried to erase his scowl to ease her concern. "I have already told you I would not allow you to go alone. Once you are ready, I will be going with you."

She was finally able to give him a smile. "Thanks, I really do appreciate it. Oh, by the way, would it be possible to clean up first? I still feel gross from last night. I would also like to go get a change of clothes. I can make it fast."

He thought about her request before responding. "Why don't you go ahead and clean up. I will go get your things and bring them here for now."

"You don't have to do that. I don't need everything anyway, just a change of clothes."

He shook his head. "You were supposed to get your new room assignment today. I doubt you will feel like handling that later, so for now, you can leave everything here. You don't have so much that it would be an imposition."

She grimaced at the thought of what was to come but she still gave him a nod. "I suppose you're right. Thank you again." She finished the last of the water and stood to go take a shower.

When she got in the shower, she turned the heat up and soaked for a few minutes, letting the steam help her relax. When she started to feel a little nauseous again, she turned it back down to the point of being nearly cold. She let it run for a moment again before she shivered and finished cleaning up quickly. Before she got out she turned it back to hot to warm up. When she got out she felt much better than she had.

It wasn't until she dried off that she realized she didn't have a change of clothes in the bathroom with her. She felt a little stupid, as that was what their conversation had been about. As she wrapped the towel around herself she was thankful that it was so large. She was also fervently hoping that Genesis was already back. She walked out of the bathroom to see he wasn't in his front rooms. She tentatively turned to check his bedroom and sighed when she found he wasn't there either. There wasn't much she could do but wait now, so she headed to the couch. She had barely had enough time to start to get uncomfortable sitting there in a towel when the door finally opened. She was on her feet before he got all the way in the room.

He had a large box in his arms with her dress draped over the top. He kicked the door closed behind himself before he looked up and caught sight of her. His eyes widened slightly but he quickly moved to set the box down on the little table in front of his couch. "I hope you weren't waiting long. I'll go hang this up while you change." At that he grabbed her dress and moved to his room, allowing her the chance to grab a change of clothes and head back to the bathroom. She could feel the heat in her face as she headed to the bathroom. She had to remind herself that it wasn't as if he hadn't seen her in nearly the same state before.

By the time she was clothed, she had herself under control. She walked out to find Genesis taking the rest of her things back to his room as well. When he returned she smiled at him before asking a question. "Thank you, I feel much better now. Did you want to clean up as well?"

"I had the opportunity before I slept. Hojo will likely be irritated at the delay anyway, so there is no point in putting it off any longer, no matter how much I might want to."

Her smile faltered at his reminder, but she felt better about it than she had. "Alright, let's get this over with then." She didn't wait for him to open the door for her.

Their entry into the Science Department wasn't much different than it had been the last time, right down to the scowling assistant. This time no one bothered to say anything to Genesis though. The woman merely led them into a room where she had Clarissa lie down. She didn't speak to them at all unless it was to give instructions. Once Clarissa was on the table, the woman started an IV before she left them.

It wasn't long before Hojo entered the room with a large syringe. He set it down on the small table next to the bed before turning to Clarissa with a sick grin. He pointedly ignored Genesis. He didn't have much to say either. He moved to take her vitals, but it was the barest of exams before he pulled the syringe up again.

Clarissa noted the green colored liquid glowed slightly and had to repress a shudder. As she was thinking that she was not looking forward to this, a screaming rang out in her head. Her eyes rolled back and her whole body stiffened, causing Genesis to jump forward to her side and Hojo to nearly drop the needle he had been about to inject into her IV.

Clarissa had no idea how long she had been out, but she had more important things on her mind. Minerva had not called her to the lifestream, but the situation was so urgent, she had to interfere, at least enough to let Clarissa know she was in far greater danger than she realized.

As soon as her body was back under her control she jumped up and off the table. She ripped the IV from her arm, not caring that it left a trail of blood. She was panting from the pain of her recent communication as she faced Hojo with a snarl. "Don't touch me with that!"

The scientist stood frozen for a few heartbeats. He had been taken by surprise by her unexpected actions. It didn't take him long to recover. He finally deigned to face Genesis. "Don't just stand there. If you are going to insist on being in here, the least you can do is be helpful. Hold her still. This won't take long."

Genesis turned to Clarissa with a scowl. She could tell he was debating telling Hojo to stuff it, but his serious mask finally came down. He moved to take hold of her arms to hold her still. She looked up at him with tears in her eyes. "Don't do this. You don't know what he's doing."

His voice was low when he answered. "I know you're scared, but I promise this isn't anything for you to be worried about."

"Yes, it is! You have no idea what's in that syringe. I can't let him do this to me!" She started struggling to get away from his iron grip. It took all he had to try to keep her still and it was still not enough for Hojo to get close. Every time he would approach she kicked out at him. She was beyond being coherent by that point.

Hojo looked to Genesis again. There was a vein in his temple that stood out as he lost his temper and yelled. "I said be useful. Do something to make her stop!" It was at that point that she felt something cool wash over her. She realized it was a sleep spell as her eyes slid closed.

edit 11/17/2019

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