Chapter 52

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The next morning, she tried to find Cissnei to go with her for another shopping trip, but she was disappointed to find the girl had been sent out on a mission and they didn't know when she would be back. It was a mixed blessing as Reno had been one of the others sent as well. At least she wouldn't have to put up with him later. It was as she was walking around trying to figure out who to ask next that she ran into Zack, or rather he ran into her. She barely saw him before he had her in the air in one of his whole-body hugs. She gave him a few seconds before she wriggled out of his grasp. Her voice held laughter when she looked up at him. "It's good to see you too."

"Oh man, I heard about what happened. You really thrashed them! Oh, but I also heard you were injured pretty bad. Are you better?"

She was used to his habit of back to back questions when he was excited. She laughed at him. "I wouldn't say I thrashed anyone, but I was hurt. I'm fine now." She took his arm and turned to walk with him. "Would you like to go with me? I need to go get a few things for tonight and I need an escort. I'll let you ask any questions you want as long as you're willing to give me an honest opinion."

His grin widened even further at her request. "Any question?"

She eyed him warily before answering. "Nothing personal, but otherwise, yes."

"Aww, fine. I'm in. Are you headed out now?"

"Yes." At her answer they headed down and out of the building. Clarissa spent most of her morning laughing when she wasn't trying stuff on. Zack was full of questions about what the attack was like. He was only slightly disappointed that she couldn't give him details about everything that happened after the attack on the Fort. She made sure he didn't see how bothered she was by the memories his questions brought up. Now that she had managed to influence the war to stop a few months early she hoped he would never be forced to do something similar.

It was near lunch time when she finally found the dress she wanted. She came out to ask for an opinion and laughed when Zack lit up. He gave her a thumbs up before giving his opinion. "Wow! I know Scarlet thinks she had that color cornered but you look great in it!"

"Good. Red is my favorite color." It was a simple design, but it was floor length. It had long sleeves and the top half of the dress clung to her curves. The skirt fell in soft folds from her hips, with a slit in the front up to mid-thigh. Zack raised a brow at her smiling answer but didn't push. He had agreed to not ask personal questions after all.

Once she had everything else she would need he convinced her to join him for lunch at his favorite restaurant. She almost declined but decided it wouldn't hurt to indulge a little after having been in the field for so long.


That evening found her headed to the ballroom a little early. She had received the official invite when she got back from shopping and it had requested that she come in early. Apparently, there was going to be speeches and such early in the evening. She wasn't looking forward to it.

The room was already more than half full when she arrived. She could hear whispers follow her when she entered but pointedly ignored them. The first thing she did was go to the bar and order a stiff drink. She hoped she would be allowed to leave early. She drank half of her martini before turning back to the room. She was surprised to see a stunned Genesis a few feet away. She felt her face heat slightly at his stare. It didn't help that he looked amazing in his suit. She was pleased to note he still managed to work touches of red into his choices. She finally moved to talk to him. "You know, you could have warned me this was going to be a requirement."

His face went back to his neutral mask when she spoke. "It slipped my mind. We haven't had much reason for them prior." He looked passed her before moving again. "Pardon me. I will speak with you later."

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