Chapter 66

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Complete silence reigned as Sephiroth flicked his wrist to divest the Masamune of the last of the blood that clung to it before he allowed it to disappear. He stood motionless for a moment, staring dispassionately at the mass on the floor that used to be the cause of the few nightmares he had growing up. Now it was less than nothing.

After a moment he pulled his phone from his pocket and quickly dialed a number. It didn't even ring before going to voicemail. His brow furrowed at that, but it didn't stop him from quickly dialing another. This time it was picked up on the second ring. He started speaking as soon as he heard the voice on the other end. "I have an urgent issue I need your assistance with. Please come to the Science Department, in the special lab. Oh, and do your best to make sure no one else knows where you are headed." As soon as he heard a confirmation he hung up.

He quickly moved to the monitor where Hojo had been working and confirmed it was still signed in. Once he saw that he looked around briefly until he found a stash of data discs and then sat back in front of the monitor. It was only a matter of moments for his brow to start to furrow. He had been shielded behind a mask of disdain and rage but looking through the files in Hojo's computer had even his stomach churning. That did not stop him from inserting the first of the discs and copying over the folders as he found them.

He was on his second disc when he heard footsteps echo on the metal floor. He looked back briefly to see the impassive face of Tseng. He noted the Turk didn't look ruffled when he finally saw the body on the floor, but he did raise a brow before speaking. "This is unexpected. Is there a particular reason you felt I would be the best person to call to assist with... this?" He motioned to what was left of Hojo.

Sephiroth turned back to what he had been doing before he answered. "I am not sure if you have started to investigate Deepground yet, but there is more than enough proof here to indicate that man was a monster. This is only the last of his crimes though. I also have irrefutable proof that he has been inhumanly experimenting on Soldiers and civilians alike, not to mention I have in my possession concrete proof that he killed the last Head of the Science Department. We can debate the need for his death all night if you would like, although I doubt you really feel the need to."

He turned back briefly to gage Tseng's reaction before speaking again. "I tried to call Veld first, but it seems that he is unreachable currently. I believe you are the next best thing as we need to get this cleared up before morning."

He indicated the computers which did cause Tseng to finally react. "Clean up the computers, not the body?"

Sephiroth barely looked back at the mass on the floor again. "No, I have one other phone call to make that should take care of that. The computers are more important. There is a lot of data here that we need to compile and get out of here. If I can't get parts of it, then I will need someone with your skills to take care of it. I don't want any of that madman's research being continued."

Tseng paused for a long moment before he moved to the monitor across from Sephiroth. "Under different circumstances I would advise that was not a decision that would be up to you but given the fact that Veld would likely agree with you now, I will assist. Why don't you leave this to me and take care of the... other problem?"

At that he finally turned fully to look at Tseng. The other man was already at the other monitor. He only took a matter of moments to break the security and start looking into the files. Sephiroth watched him for a moment longer and saw him quickly access the directory before he reached back for the stack of discs Sephiroth had been using. He quickly started copying as well.

Once Sephiroth was sure the data was handled he pulled out his phone once more. It took several rings and he thought he might have to call back, but it was finally answered. The voice on the other end snapped hotly when they did, but Sephiroth ignored it. "Genesis, I know you are probably busy, but there is something important I need your assistance with."

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