Chapter 11

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They walked down another street full of the people that lived on the plate. It was busy but there was a cheery atmosphere, despite the ever-present darkness that seemed to hover over the city. Clarissa was just glad that Genesis was keeping silent for the most part. Whenever she glanced at him she found him watching her take in the city around them. She didn't let his observance rattle her though. She had too much on her mind.

Currently, she found that from the street level, Midgar wasn't as different from cities she was familiar with as she originally thought. When they passed a dark alley, her thoughts were drawn to the slums that were somewhere under her feet. She shuddered as she realized that, although it might be interesting to see Wall Market or the 7th Heaven, she doubted it would be a pleasant experience. Even the plate was a little gritty in person, she could only imagine how much worse the slums were.

Genesis must have noticed her shudder as he finally called her out of her reverie. "Are you cold?"

She shook her head before answering. It wouldn't hurt to tell him the truth. "No, actually I was just thinking about the slums."

Her response had Genesis looking at her in surprise. "Why would you be wondering about the slums?"

"The alley we just passed made me think of it. It's a little depressing. From what I've heard it's like a third world country just below your feet."

Her wording had Genesis a little confused, but he understood what she was meaning. "It isn't something you will have to deal with. I promise that we will find out what has happened to you and do everything we can to get you home." He was surprised further when his confident statement brought the threat of tears to her eyes instead of reassuring her. She made to look away from him, but he called her attention back with a hand on her arm. "That isn't an empty promise."

She tried to smile back at him but when she felt a single tear escape it came out as more of a grimace. "I know you really mean it, but with everything that has happened I'm not sure I will ever see home again."

He didn't understand why she felt she would never be able to go back but as he took in her eyes that glowed slightly in the dusk he wondered if it had something to do with how she got that way, or worse, a fear that she wouldn't be accepted. He was well aware that many people felt Soldiers and their mako enhancements were unnatural. He couldn't stop himself from asking, even though he had already figured she was hurt by thoughts of loved ones that were missed. "Even if it is difficult I will do what I can to make it happen. Surely you have people that are waiting for your return."

He couldn't believe it when his words caused a strangled sound that sounded like she was trying to scoff. It came out more like a sob though and her tears were falling in earnest. "There is no one in this world that is waiting for my return."

Genesis paused at her choice of words. Again, it sounded suspiciously like her words implied more than what she was saying. He had to promise himself to look deeper into it later though as his instincts told him he couldn't leave things like this. He put an arm around her shoulder and tried to make soothing noises. She stiffened at first but still couldn't hold back the tears. When they started to fall faster he pulled her into an embrace to try and calm her.

Clarissa couldn't believe she was being comforted by a nearly complete stranger. On some level she understood he probably felt somewhat responsible and was doing what he could. It still felt weird. She tried her best to bring her tears under control as quickly as possible, she just had to make sure and not think about her life at all. Easier said than done obviously but she finally managed to reduce them to sniffles. Once she was calmer Genesis let go and pulled a handkerchief from somewhere inside his jacket. She laughed a little at the sight. She cleaned up as best she could before turning to look back at him. She could feel her face heat slightly, embarrassed by her outburst. "Thank you... I really appreciate it, and this of course." She held up the little square of cloth with a tremulous smile.

"Of course. Obviously, if there is something you would like to talk about I am willing to listen." At that Clarissa gave another little laugh. She was quite sure he would be willing to listen as that was all he had been trying to do for most of the day.

She needed to get herself together before she could approach this subject again. If she really was supposed to be saving the Firsts, the last thing she needed to have happen was for her to manage to get locked up because they thought she was crazy. Not to mention that didn't sound like a fate she wanted to face; definitely not in this world. "I appreciate it, really I do, but as you can see I'm having a hard time just coping. Would you mind giving me time to... assimilate what has happened before I have to deal with whatever the consequences of this are."

Genesis could easily tell her tears were still not far from the surface. Even if he did need answers he knew pushing right now would get him nowhere. He wasn't about to make her start crying again anyway, not now that she had managed to contain them. He repressed his frustration at the circumstances and gave her a smile instead. "You are quite welcome. As for the rest, we can move on to easier topics if you would like."

She gave him a thankful nod. "There really isn't much more to tell about me honestly."

"Somehow, I doubt that is true, but we can get into it again later. If you would please?" They had resumed walking after she had calmed from her tears and were now in front of a large clothing store. The front windows were reflecting the last of the red sunset keeping her from seeing anything beyond the windows.

She walked through the door he opened and took a look around to find a wide selection of both men and women's clothes. She didn't even know where to start but Genesis' hand was on her back once again, guiding her to a section toward the back. "Pick out at least three full sets along with anything else you might need, including shoes and undergarments."

Clarissa could feel her face burning at his words but managed to speak up anyway. "I can't let you buy me all that!"

"Do you have any way to get them yourself at the present time?" Genesis knew she was stranded and had nothing to her name except the t-shirt she must have left behind in the Turks' offices. He was trying not to push her too hard, but he was ready to head back already. "Besides, we don't have much time before the store closes. Go ahead and get what you need, and we can discuss everything else later." He tried to reason with her before she could even retort. He could see that she wanted to already.

Clarissa gave him a half-hearted glare before turning to the section he had led her to. "Fine, I won't take long." She watched as he trailed close behind her as she was looking for the items she needed. She knew he was tasked with keeping an eye on her, but it was slightly embarrassing, especially when she turned to the underwear department. She got through there as quickly as possible. In the end she picked out three sets of pants and shirts to go with them along with all the other 'necessities' as Genesis had called them. She also picked out a pair of low pumps that were surprisingly comfortable.

By the time she was done the front doors of the store had already been locked and the clerk had to let them out. Clarissa made sure to apologize for keeping her and thank her for letting them stay long enough to finish. The young female clerk waved off her concerns with a bright smile. Clarissa didn't miss the fact that the smile was aimed solely at Genesis however. She just barely managed to not laugh out loud at the sight.

edit 11/12/2019

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