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Clarissa took the items when he handed them to her and stared at the door for a moment after he walked out. Something was even more wrong with this whole situation than she had originally thought. If that part hadn't been a dream... then... nope, she wasn't going to think about it. At least a part of that had to have been a dream. Maybe the migraine had already started, and she had passed out or something.

She pushed her uncomfortable thoughts aside and focused on getting dressed. She unfolded a blue, sleeveless turtleneck, a baggy pair of pants and a simple belt. Once she had them on she found them all to be a little big but with the belt she was at least covered completely. That was a step up. When she looked in the bag she found there was a small package and what looked to be a bottle of some kind. She pulled them out to inspect them and found the bottle held some kind of drink she had never heard of before and the package looked suspiciously like an MRE. She opened the drink and sniffed it. It had a fruity smell and was actually pretty good when she dared a sip. She set both it and the package on the table though. She was hungry enough that even an MRE sounded appetizing but that could wait until after she found out what was going on.

She didn't bother knocking on the door, instead she opened it to let the redhead know she was decent. She had to stifle a laugh when the door swung open harder than she had anticipated, and he stumbled a little before righting himself. He had been leaning against it and had apparently not expected it to open so suddenly. Seeing his murderous gaze once he was straight she wiped the smile from her face, mostly, and went to sit back down.

Once they were seated the man's eyes flicked to the package on the table and back up to her. "I believe you said you were hungry. Is that not the case?"

She sighed at him before settling into her seat. She expected this was going to get on her nerves even worse than it already had before it got better, and she needed to try not to lose her temper again before getting answers. "I am, and even that MRE looks tempting but I need answers first."

He raised his eyebrow at her straightforward answer. "You need answers? I am certain that it is me that is conducting this... interview, correct?"

Clarissa took a deep breath to keep from snapping. "It seems that way, but I don't see why this can't be an exchange instead of an interrogation. I don't really know what's going on so if you expect a lot out of me you're going to be disappointed."

He took a moment before replying, seeming to think about her request. "Fine. You answer one of my questions and I will answer one of yours; if I can that is."

"Agreed. So, what is your first question, besides the 'how did I get in' one. I'll tell you up front I have no idea how I got here." The look she gave him was level.

Again, he paused before continuing. "All right, let's assume you really don't know how you got into the most secure facility on the planet, into one of the most dangerous floors in that facility and into the bed of one of the highest-ranking officers in said facility." He paused and gave her a pointed look before continuing. "Explain how you have become as saturated in mako as a Soldier First."

His tone was as sarcastic as anything Clarissa could come up with and combined with his ridiculous comments, she was having a hard time not biting back again. She took a deep breath before answering and still heard her voice shake some. "Look, I doubt you're working with Mia or Wren and those are the only two that know I'm a fan of Final Fantasy. Neither one of them would have allowed it to get this far, so who is behind this? I'm telling you now you can stop it because I'm about ready to walk out and see what I can figure out on my own."

His eyes narrowed at the obvious threatening tone in her voice. "If you try to leave you will be forcefully detained. I would not recommend it."

By this time, she had had enough. She stood and slammed both hands on the table in front of her before nearly yelling in his face. "I don't give a damn what you would recommend. Most people I know would consider this kidnapping by now. I don't know how you got me here, I do not have 'mako eyes', and I'm sick to death of hearing about Shinra. This is ridiculous. I'm done with these games."

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