Chapter 77

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By the time they made it to Junon Clarissa was in much better shape. Her soreness was nearly gone finally, and no one had even brought up her wing after that incident. Veld must have said something to Reno about it, as he hadn't teased her again either, although he did stick to calling her Angel. She ignored it for the most part, her only thoughts on it that he might find himself in a hot spot if he said it in front of Genesis. That thought made her smile, even though she knew it shouldn't have.

When they pulled into the dock at Junon, Clarissa was the first one off, but she didn't get more than a dozen feet. She stopped when she spotted a scowling Genesis at the other end. Neither of them moved for a moment until Genesis finally started stalking towards her. She knew he was pissed and still her first thoughts were how much she had missed him.


Vincent had noticed Clarissa stop and looked to see the cause. He wasn't sure who the red-head was, but he was obviously someone she knew. As soon as he reached her he grabbed both her arms in a tight grip, but she didn't make a move to stop him. She simply stood there and allowed his eyes to rove over her face.

Vincent thought about stepping in, as the man seemed angry, but Veld held out a hand and stopped him. He noted that the infantrymen had already disappeared, and the three Turks were watching the scene with interest. He almost moved to interfere anyway but when he turned back it was to see the stranger suddenly move to kiss Clarissa. It went on long enough that Vincent had to look away.

He realized that this must be one of the three Firsts. Some of the red-headed Turks jibes to Clarissa suddenly made much more sense. When the man finally pulled back he was still scowling but Vincent could see concern now too. He was glad that when the man finally spoke his voice was low enough that most could not hear it, especially since nearly every person that was on the dock had stopped and were watching the scene with open mouths.


She could tell Genesis was nearly as pissed as he ever had been at her when the first thing he did was grab onto her tightly. He didn't say anything as his eyes roved over her face. Whatever he saw did not serve to help his temper, so Clarissa was shocked when he finally crushed her to him and kissed her. It was not a soft or caring kiss. It was full of all the passion, anger and everything else that he was feeling. By the time he pulled back she was in a daze.

She noted a flash of pain behind his anger when he finally spoke. "You went to Nibelheim."

It wasn't a question. She wasn't sure how he found out, but she didn't plan on lying to him. She could only manage a nod. He nearly growled when she confirmed it. "What were you thinking! You were the one that told us how dangerous it would be to approach Jenova, and don't even think about telling me you were protected. I saw the report Veld sent Tseng."

She looked up to see his eyes were still flashing. She swallowed the lump in her throat, so she could answer. "First of all, we weren't trying to confront her. The only reason we went was to get Vincent. We took the opportunity to see if she was there while we could. I really did believe that I would be protected, and I was, against her control anyway. The rest... I still haven't gotten a response from Minerva, but I'm sure she will respond as soon as she's able."

He crushed her to him again. She could hear his voice shaking when he whispered in her ear. "I have had a few days to think on this and the only conclusion I can come to as to why you would lie to me, is that you thought you were protecting me." He pulled back and looked in her eyes. "Don't ever do that again. If I am to trust you I must know that you will not lie to me. That includes lies of omission."

She felt a tear run down her cheek, but she ignored it as she gave him another nod. She hadn't thought about the fact that he might consider it a lie. Her only goal had been to keep him and the others safe, but now that he pointed it out, she could see how they might feel betrayed. It took her a moment to finally find her voice again. "I never meant to hurt you. I was trying to keep you safe, but I should have trusted you. I'm so sorry." Her remorse was twisting inside her and it did not help to stem her tears.

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