Chapter 87

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Genesis had just blocked another blow from Sephiroth and felt his temper creep just a little closer to the surface. He knew he was not really fighting his friend, no matter the fact that the style was as familiar as any of their spars. He managed to push it back as he thought of his lover inside the reactor once again. As much as he had wanted to follow her, he knew she needed him out here more. Sephiroth was more dangerous now than he ever had been before. Not that he felt he wasn't a match for the General, but he was holding back, just like the other two that were fighting by his side.

They were all getting frustrated, as none of them were injury free, not even Sephiroth. Holding back didn't mean not attacking at all. The only thing that gave him hope was the fact that there had been several times when Sephiroth seemed to back off and look lost. Those moments didn't last long, but it gave them all hope that not only was Clarissa taking care of the Calamity, but also that their friend was trying to fight the alien's influence.

Sephiroth had swung at his head again, but suddenly stopped. This time was worse than any of the times before. He fell to his knees and clutched his head. He let out a scream that gave Genesis chills. Angeal started to go to him but Vincent stopped him. As much as they all hated to see Sephiroth suffering, none of them could trust that he wouldn't turn on them again.

It was as his scream finally cut off and he started to collapse that the rest of them were nearly knocked off their feet by an explosion. They all looked to the reactor to see the top had been blown away and large wisps of the lifestream were flowing up and intertwining with a pillar of fire.

For several moments the only sound was the whistling of the conflagration of flames and mako that rose higher into the sky. They had all made it back to their feet, except Sephiroth. He was still clutching his head. The rest stared in stunned silence as the flames continued to climb. Finally, Genesis realized that Clarissa had to be in the middle of that. His heart nearly stopped before he sprang to try to get to her.

When he got to the bottom of the steps and saw the ice blocking the door, he started throwing fireballs. The barrier melted before he made it halfway up. Before he could make it to the entrance though, another explosion sounded as the entire skyward column came crashing back down. There was a shockwave that blew everyone back. Genesis had been close enough to the center of the blast that he was flung in the air and across the clearing.

His breath had been knocked out when he was slammed to the ground. It wasn't long until he was up and running back towards the reactor. He hadn't made it halfway there when he realized that most of the building had collapsed. He suddenly found that he couldn't breathe. He tried but he couldn't seem to get enough air. When Vincent approached him, he snarled at the Turk and managed to take a few more steps toward the pile of rubble that his lover had been fighting in before he fell to his knees.

He had never managed to produce a flame as hot as the one that was consuming him. He didn't even realize that the flames he was known for had started along his fists but were starting to engulf him. He was drawn back to the moment when Vincent stepped in front of him again. It took him several moments to realize the man was holding something out to him.

He managed to get to his feet but the glare he gave the Turk would have had most people running for their lives. Instead Vincent spoke in a voice hard enough to cut through his raging thoughts. "She gave this to me right before the Ravens attacked. She asked that I give it to you if something happened."

Genesis couldn't speak at first, but when he regained his voice he was nearly screaming. "And you let her!? Why didn't you try to stop her?"

Vincent's glare intensified as did his voice. "She promised it would be a last resort."

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