His story

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I was working in my office, sending a few mails regarding a deal that I has to finalize before this weekend so that I can fly back to Goa, where I was going to have a beach wedding with the lady of my life.

All my life, I had been craving for love. After my mother died when I was 10, I never had anyone to love and take care of me. My father re-married thinking to get an another woman to fill the void of a motherly figure in my life but he failed.

"I am sorry, Om. I thought of getting you a mother in the form of Dolly, but she always remained a step-mother. I am sorry that I failed you as a father, please forgive me." 

These were the the last words of my father to me on his death bed. After his death, our lawyer read My father's will, in which he left our Mumbai Manor to my Step Mom along with some money to help her expenses and remaining all properties were named on me.

Dolly mom was frustrated with the will of my father and Abhay, my step brother was really upset, as my father didn't left anything except a black Lamborghini, which was his 21 birthday gift.

After my father, I has taken the reins in my hands to run the Oberoi businesses. I struggled a lot to keep up the pace and bring the company to a top position. I spent most of my days in the company working on the projects and when I return to Oberoi mansion, I would be greeted with a empty and lonely rooms just like a reflection of my life.

I used to spend my days alone and occupied with work until Ishaana Mathur stepped into my office and my life. She was graduated from the University when she came to my office to attend the interview for the post of my Personal Assistant. She was sweet and lovely, with an aura that made everyone around her fall in love with her and I am no exception to it.

My days used to start with her sweet voice and ended with her chirpy good byes. She used to be with me always and I no longer used to feel lonely. She filled my life with her sweet smiles, chirpy chatters and warm hugs. I fell in love with her ever so slowly but deeply. At first I was unaware of my feelings and was contemplating whether it was love or attraction until one day.

I won the deal with Jackson company and had arranged a party for my success.

Ishaana was the happiest soul in the party truly happy for my success, she was looking beautiful in her white knee length gown, talking with the guests animatedly. She was flying around the party greeting the guests and my eyes never left her.

After a while I didn't found her anywhere around and I searched for her everywhere, panic started to set in me thinking of worse scenarios. It was when I realized how much I cared for her. I searched for her everywhere and finally found her in a way that I always feared of.

Abhay, my step brother was forcing himself upon Ishaana in one of our empty guest rooms, blood boiled inside me with the sight of him and I punched him straight in the face making him spit the blood. I took an unconscious Ishaana in my arms and carried her to my room.

"Ishaana, wake up. " I said trying to wake her up.

She opened her eyes and hugged me shaking with fear, tears falling from her eyes non stop.

"Shh... You are safe, I am here for you, no one will harm you now. I will never let anyone harm you, I will always be on your side to protect you." I said rubbing her back soothingly.

She looked into my eyes with all love and respect and that is when we shared our first kiss.

The following week, I took her to a fancy restaurant and proposed her.

"I Love You too, Thank you, Omkara for loving me so much, I am happy knowing that I have a person like you in my life, who loves me with his life and I promise you that from this day, I will love you with with my everything." Ishaana said before wrapping her arms around me pulling me for a passionate kiss.

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