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It's been four months since our marriage and four months since my life became complete and full of happiness. I no longer felt alone or empty because the missing piece of my soul and my soulmate Gauri was by my side. Everything fell back into their usual place and life is a bliss.

Gauri successfully entered into her ninth month of pregnancy and doctor has suggest for bed rest till the delivery which is due for four weeks from now. Even though I missed the initial days of her pregnancy which I will regret forever, I compensated that by staying by her side and helping her with the rest of the days. I even started working from home to make sure Gauri is comfortable and facing no problem.

Pregnant Gauri was too Cranky and demanding, she was having all sorts of cravings and mood swings. There was times when she woke me up in the midnights with her cravings and there was even a instance where she made me go and search for panipuri at 3 am! But I loved every minute of it. One of these days, I got to see the Angry avatar of Gauri, when I didn't allowed her to have ice cream because doctor told to avoid sweets strictly due to her raising blood sugar levels. She became furious and started cursing doctor, she even tried to strangle my neck, when I spoke in support of the doctor, thanks to our height difference, she failed. I took me a lot of coaxing and a bit of seduction to distract her mind from ice cream to me. I am more than happy with her pregnancy hormones, which made her sexually very demanding and I happily obliged. There was some instances where I was left confused about the foods and other things about pregnancy but thanks to the TV shows I watched and a few pregnancy books that Rudra brought for me, much to Gauri's annoyance.

Rudra and Gauri became good friends when they met. She became his complaint box against me and he became her saviour to sneak the sweets behind me, which didn't goes unnoticed by me. Together they turned the house upside down with their drama and antics.

Right now I am in kitchen making some sugar free sweets for Gauri, as she was craving for it. While Gauri was watching some Salman khan movie on the TV in living room.

"Jaan, I made badam kheer for you." I said as I gave the bowl to Gauri.

"Thank you, Om. You are the best." She said smiling.

"I know that, now have the kheer and they take the tablets. Not to forget, it's time for you to rest." I said strictly.

"Just now I praised you and you proved me wrong. I just woke up 15 minutes ago and you are already asking me to go back to bed." Gauri huffed in annoyance.

"Jaan, you need a lot of rest." I tried to convince.

"I am good, Om. I feel bored sleeping in the bed all the day." Gauri said pouting.

"Okay, how about a walk in the lawn." I asked and she happily accepted.

"Come let's go for the walk." She said trying to stand from the sofa holding her now big belly. I helped her stand on her feet.

"Wait, let me get you a shawl, it's cold outside." I said moving towards our bedroom.

I brought a shawl and wrapped it around her, I might as well would have brought a sweater for her but her favourite sweater was not gonna fit her anymore since she gained weight due to pregnancy and she will became more cranky and will began to fuss about how I made her gain weight by feeding her foods.

We began walking in the lawn in front of our mansion with Ash running in the grass trying to catch the butterflies. At first when we brought Ash, to our mansion, he was not at all pleased with the new surroundings, it was the second day of his stay in the mansion when he found Julie, Mrs. Agarwal's, our neighbor's cute little dog, did he stopped being cranky.

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