Chapter 11

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I woke up early in the morning listening to a sweet voice singing bhajans, I slightly moved to see the source and found Gauri doing aarti standing in front if the idol of God closing her eyes, she was looking heavenly, I couldn't believe I have such a beautiful wife, she was very kind and naive.

Last day, she got me to this place, which is a small and cozy house with a living room which leads into a balcony, open kitchen and a small bedroom. It was small but homely, she was taking good care of me ever since she brought me here. I tried hard to remember anything from the past but I couldn't. I was sitting on the bed trying to recall my past when Gauri entered the room.

"How are you feeling now? " She asked looking concerned.

"I am feeling much better." I said smiling.

"I prepared breakfast for you, you can eat it once you get freshened up." She said as she helped me get down the bed.

"Thank you, my ankle is feeling better. I think I can walk on my own now." I said. She was very petite that she is having trouble to balance my large frame.

"It's okay, I can help you until you heal completely. I don't want you to get injured again." She said as she let me towards the washroom.

I nodded and smiled at her concern.

"I will be waiting outside while you finish your shower, try not to wet your hair." She said as she locked the door behind.

I went inside and tried to remove my shirt but found it difficult to unbutton it, now the only way I can get out of this is with the help of Gauri. I don't know how to ask her to help me, even though she is my wife, I am feeling shy in front of her but I feel this strange secure and calm feeling whenever she is near me like she is the incomplete piece of me.

"Gauri... " I called her.

"Yes, do have any problem? " She asked hesitantly.

"Ermm... I cannot unbutton my shirt." I said slowly.

After what it was like a good 3 minutes, the bathroom door slowly crack opened and Gauri came inside.

"I will help you." She mumbled and began to unbutton my shirt slowly without actually looking at me.

Her cheeks were turning red with every button she opened as I couldn't help but smile at how red she was looking. She unbuttoned the shirt hastily and left the bathroom without a word.

I finished by shower and when I opened the door I found a pair of pants and a button up shirt, which looked like a new one. I slipped into the pants but I couldn't wear a shirt as my hand is not completely healed. I was struggling to wear it when Gauri came inside. She took the shirt from my hand looking everywhere but me and helped me wear it.

"Thank you." I said and she nodded.

"Please sit on the bed, I have to change the bandage for your injuries." She said as she made me sit on the bed.

She applied ointment to my ankle and my fractured arm, and now she was doing the bandage on my head bending over me to wrap it around my head, her breath fanning on face and she smelt like wild flowers and peaches. I closed my eyes inhaling her feminine scent and when I opened them again, she was tying the bandage with at most concentration not to hurt me and her hair is falling on her face disturbing her. I raised my free hand and tucked them behind her ear in order locking my eyes with her hazel ones which are looking at me with shock. She tied the bandage hurriedly and jumped back a step looking at the floor.

"What happened, Gauri? " I asked her sensing something is bothering her.

"Ermm... Om, I didn't find any better way to say you this, but you have to know that... " She said slowly looking at her feet.

"Go ahead." I said and she took a deep breathe.

"I am not your wife, Om." She said shocking me.

"You are not my wife?? Then why did you say that to me? " I questioned her trying to remember. All I got was a sharp pain in my head.

"Om, please don't take stress, I can explain this." She said coming to my help.

I looked at her to continue and she explained me how she found me in the valley amidst of the bushes and joined in hospital signing as my wife in order to avoid unnecessary police enquiries.

"I am sorry for whatever we had done." She said looking at me.

"Please, don't be sorry. Whatever you had done you did that to save my life and I will always be thankful for you for that. You had done so much for me but now I can't stay here, becoming a baggage for you. I should leave." I said trying to get up from the bed.

"No. Please don't do that, you are not completely healed and you don't even now anyone here. I can't let you go out like this, if I leave you in this condition then what is the purpose of saving you. Please stay here until you heal completely." She said looking concerned.

"Will it not be a problem for you if I stay in your home, I mean your parents or others? " I asked her.

"I am an orphan, I don't have anyone except Anika. And she has no problem with you staying here in my home." She said biting her nails.

"I am sorry for causing trouble to you, I will leave as soon as I get healed, thank you for helping me." I thanked her heartily.

"Please, don't mention that. We both can stay here as friends until your condition improves. I made breakfast for you, I will go get it." She said and exited the room.

I kept looking at her until she disappeared from my sight. She is a kind and sweet girl just like I thought her to be as. She was helping me a complete stranger, who she doesn't know anything about, without expecting anything. I felt a great respect towards her for her selflessness. She came back with a tray containing bread toast and milk. She kept that in front of me asking me to eat.

I tried to eat it but failed. She took the tray from me and began to feed me with her hands. At last she made me drink the milk and covered me with blanket after helping me lay on the bed comfortably.

"I will be going out since I have work at Anika's cafe and will return in the afternoon. Till then please entertain yourself, If you need anything please call me, I am leaving my old mobile beside the bed stand which has mine and Anika's number saved in it, feel free to call if you have any trouble." She said keeping the mobile and other necessities on the table beside the bed.

"You work in a cafe? " I asked her trying to know about her.

"Yes, I work in Anika's cafe which is located down the lane just a few blocks away from here, so if you need anything I will be here in no time." She said and I nodded.

"As you are going to stay here, I want you to meet the one with whom you will be sharing this home along with me." She said and I wondered who it is since I didn't saw anyone else other than Gauri in the home.

"Ash." She called and felt a pang of jealousy thinking that she has another guy staying with us even though I don't know anything about her.

But to my surprise a cute dog came running into the room jumping into Gauri's arms.

"Om, meet Ashley aka Ash, my only companion in this home till you came." She introduced Ashley to me.

"And Ash, this is Om, our new friend, please be good with him and don't trouble him, Ok." She spoke with the dog in a cute baby voice making me smile.

"He is very friendly and don't be afraid of him. Call me if you need anything and I must go now. Bye. " She said and went to cafe waving good byes to me and Ash, who was now looking at me confused and suspicious.

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