Her story

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I was sitting in a farthest corner of the cafe preparing for my final exams next month,finally I will be graduating from the University and I can imagine spending life settled in a decent job. But I feel bad thinking I had to leave Happy Cafe and Anika.

I was 4,when my parents died in a car crash and since I don't have any immediate relatives I had grown up in a orphanage. After attaining the age of 18, just like the rest of others I too came out of the Orphanage and I didn't had any clue about where to go, that is when I met Anika in a temple. She was kind and lovely, that she offered me to work with her in her cafe after listening my story. She helped me settle down in an apartment near the cafe and got me I to the University, she is like an elder sister I never had.

From that day forth Anika became my family, just like me she lost her parents in an young age and was living with her Aunt along with her little brother, Sahil. She lives in her aunt's home which is situated down the lane from our cafe. Where as the apartment I rented was exactly in opposite direction a few blocks away from the cafe. The cafe is situated in a secluded part of the city down the hill in a area with lesser population but despite that the cafe is famous for it's cakes and coffee. Most of the tourists make a stop at the cafe to relish the coffee and Baked goodies.

I spend most of my time in the cafe since I feel lonely in my apartment, but here at the cafe, I feel like home the customers are friendly and I always have Anika and Sahil with me, who never fails to make me laugh.

I was so engrossed in studying that I failed to notice it was already 10, one hour past the cafe closing time. I gathered my books and was about to exit the cafe after locking it since, Anika already left the cafe early today to go shopping with Sahil, it was me in charge. I closed the cafe and was about to lock it when I heard the landline in the bill counter. No one calls at this time but I made my way to lift the call after keeping my books on the table.

"Happy Cafe, How can we help you? " I asked in my usual cheerful voice.

The line went silent for a few minutes,

"Hello, are you there? " I asked.

"Yes, I need a wedding cake to be delivered on this Sunday." A husky deep manly voice came from the otherside, that I felt tingles for a minute listening it.

"Which flavor do you prefer sir." I asked pushing my thoughts aside.

"Red velvet cheese cake of 3 tiers." He said as I noted.

"Okay sir, to where do you need this cake to be delivered? "

"I will send one of my men to pick up the cake from your cafe on Sunday afternoon. And I will transfer the money into your account." He said.

"Okay sir, can I know the name on which you want to book the cake? " I asked playing with my pen.

"Ishaana Mathur." He said.

"Okay sir, we will get your cake ready by Sunday afternoon, thanks for calling " Happy Cafe." Have a nice day sir," I said and realized the day has almost ended, "oops it's already night, Good Night sir." I said and heard Anika.

"Who is that Gauri?" Anika asked.

"A customer who wants a wedding cake to be delivered this Sunday." I said smiling.

"Hmm... Another wedding cake, everyone is getting married and ordering cakes except us." Anika sighed sitting on the table.

"Don't be dramatic Anika, when the right time comes everything will happen." I said.

"When do you think the right time comes? " Anika asked.

"After you find a right person."bI said in a duh tone gathering my books.

"How will you know that the person is the right person? " Anika asked. Anika and her questions will never end so I kept my books on table and sat on the chair again.

"You know a person is your soul mate when you meet him, you might meet a several persons but when you meet the one, who is supposed to be your soul mate, you will know the difference and the will experience all the feelings that you never felt with anyone. The things will start working better with them and you will know why they never work outed with others." I said, "My mom used to say one day a person will come in to your life and then you will feel a contentment like you found a missing piece of your life, a relief, a secure feeling and calmness. An invisible bond that makes you feel loved and happy knowing you have someone with whom you can spend your life forever, when you close your eyes and think of love, their image will automatically pop up in your mind making you smile. Then you know they are the one for you."

"Arre waah, I never knew this innocent looking Gauri can talk so much about Love. Who is the guy? " Anika teased.

"Anika, tum bhi na, there is no one for now it's me and me alone." I said. Yes It was just me in this lonely world.

"Okay, in future if you find 'The One', what kind of wedding do you prefer?" Anika asked air quoting "The One."

"I never thought about that Anika, if I ever had a wedding I want it to be simple away from all extravagant things." I said.

"You are so boring. " Anika scoffed.

"Hmm, Anyways I want my wedding alter to be decorated with my favorite White Carnations and my to be husband to make a dabang entry into the alter dancing on Salman Khan's song." I said making her laugh.

"Hey, look you didn't hanged the phone. " Anika said placing the receiver correctly which I left on the table while talking with Anika.

"So, Gauri, when are you planning to get married? " Anika asked.

"I don't know Anika, I seriously doubt if anyone even wants to get married to me. I mean I am an orphan, I don't have any money or property. Who will marry a girl, who is just a baggage." I said thinking about my life.

"Never say that again Gauri, you have me. And I will never leave you. When it comes to your marriage, not everyone sees money, their will be someone like you who gives value to persons over money." Anika said.

"Okay leave me, tell me about you. How far did your story came." I asked. Anika.

"Shivaay told he will speak about us with his parents soon." Anika said blushing.

Anika met Shivaay in one of the parties where she went to deliver the cake and he fell in love with her. He frequented our cafe and it didn't take much time for him to make Anika fall in love with his charm. They have been dating since a year and I hope they get married soon. Shivaay is a businessman, who has taken over his father's business recently, he is a nice person, who treats me like his little sister just like Anika.

I bid bye to Anika and came to apartment and was greeted by Ashley, my cute Pug dog. He is active and friendly and is my only company in my lonely apartment.

Laying on my bed, I began to think about my life. When Ash jumped on me, he is in playful mood today and I began to play with it closing it's ears and making weird hairstyles to it. It made a cute innocent face that made me laugh. This is my little world that consists of Anika, Shivaay, Sahil, Ash and Vikram...My First Love.

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