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I signed the contract with Mr. Simmons to take over his architectural company. The deal ended earlier than planned and I can't wait to head back to home.

I thought of surprising Ishaana on her birthday by getting her, the cake from her favorite cake place since I am here in Himachal Pradesh and the the place is not so far. As I still have one day to go back to Mumbai, I thought of going to Shimla by roadways. I drove my rented car enjoying the scenery. As I drove through the roads covered with forests, I found that this cake place which is called "Happy Cafe," Is located in a secluded part of the city down the hill. I always loved night journeys, it's been quiet a long time since I went on long night rides and now I am having one after a lot for time.

The place is calm and serene, the dense snowfall is making the road almost invisible. I drove slowly and carefully watching out the vehicles coming from the opposite direction.

I still couldn't believe that I am going to be a father, 8 months from now I will having my baby in my arms, I will never fail my kid as a father and I will never let him/her go through the pain and sadness that I went through. I will love them with my life. When I go home, Ishaana and I will plan for a kids room and will decorate it, I am going to fill it with all the available toys and I am sure Ishaana will scold me for spoiling the baby. We still have to decide a name for our kid. I was very much engrossed in the thoughts of my unborn child that I failed to notice a large truck coming in the opposite direction and when I saw it it was already late.

The truck hit the car in so much force that I lost the control of the car and the car flew of the road falling into the valley in the left of the road, a sharp pain shooted through my head as it made contact with a hard surface. A cold liquid flowed down my face from the top of my head making my vision get blurred with every passing second. As I closed my eyes, all the events in my life flashed in front of my eyes like a movie, My parents, Ishaana, my unborn baby and at last a pair of hazel eyes that has been haunting me for days. Slowly my body slipped into a trance where I no longer felt anything.

"Omkara, don't cry. It's just a car we can buy another one." My mom consoled me as I cried watching my toy car which is broken into pieces.

"But I love that one." I cried.

"Om, sometimes in our life god takes away the things we love from us because he want them to be replaced with the better things we deserve." My mom said as she wiped my tears making me sit in her lap.

"Then why don't he give us the better things first, Mom." I asked.

"God may sometimes get confused with the things we deserve and when he realises we deserve better he replaces them. Sometimes we must experience bad things in order to appreciate the good ones. But remember one thing Om, which leaves you is not meant to be for you, which is meant to be in your life will be in your life no matter how hard you try to get rid of it. And this toy it's purpose in your life has ended. So God wants you to have something better." My mom said.

"Does that mean, I will get a new toy mom? " I asked smiling.

"Yes, we will go for shopping and get you more toys." My mom said as she kissed my cheeks.

Oberoi Mansion - Mumbai:

"Hii Ishaana, How are you and the baby doing?" Rudra asked as he entered the mansion.

"Hello Rudra, we are doing good. What brings you here at this hour." Ishaana asked closing the parenting book she was reading sitting in the living room.

"Your Husband. He gave me strict orders to checkout on you until he returns back to Mumbai. He also asked me to get you this Chocolate ice cream after your dinner as he thinks you will be craving for it." Rudra said giving the Ice cream tub to Ishaana.

"He knows everything about me, and yes, I have been craving for the ice cream." Ishaana smiled at Rudra taking the ice cream.

"He is so much in love with you, that he keeps on thinking about you the whole day." Rudra said sitting on the sofa, " Why don't you go and get some cups and spoons so that we both can share the ice cream."

"No mister, I am not going to share my ice cream with anyone. Go get yourself one." Ishaana said as she moved towards the kitchen.

The landline phone rang in the Oberoi mansion and Rudra attended the call, since Ishaana is in the kitchen.

"Hello, This is Oberoi Mansion and you are speaking with Rudra Singhania." Rudra said.

He dropped the phone when he heard the person on the other side and stood frozen in the spot.

"What happened Rudra, who is on the phone? " Ishaana asked as she came out from the kitchen.

"Omkara... He is dead."

OMG!! What just happened?

Writer is trying to unite Omkara's soul with his Soulmate and the only way is by separating his Soul from him.

THE ONE... I Lost.(FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now